Worthless and Weak
You're all worthless and weak!
Thursday, January 30, 2003
Well, it seems like only two days ago that we had our 300th and 400th hits. Because it was only two days ago that we had our 300th and 400th hits. But, today, I am proud to announce that we reached another milestone today, 500 hits. This begs the question: how often am I going to report these new hit milestones? Answer: Until something interesting happens to me.
Anyway, I was also wondering if decaf coffee will screw you up or anything. I'm kind of addicted to it. Dman flavored coffee!
And finally tonight, everybody's working for the weekend, including me. So, I'm just waiting until 1pm, when I'm free. Free to do school work of course, but I'll be free!!!!
Today really doesn't even deserve an entry. Only to say that I love sleeping, and I am over this cold or whatever it was. Hopefully, I'll actually do stuff tomorrow, but for now, its sleepytime!
Wednesday, January 29, 2003
Ugh, I'm sick. Hopefully, I'll be better by tomorrow. But probably not. Anyway, as such, I really didn't do anything today. However, there is one incident that I shall tell you about.
First of all, I looked at my hits and said "wow, I'm almost up to 300 hits." It turns out that I did get my 300th hit today, so whoever has the IP address 155.33.108.### is the lucky visitor. I forget which building has the .108 thing. Oh well, you win! But, something else happened as well.
www.blogger.com has a list of the most recently updated web pages. These stay up for usually one minute. So, I will occasionally get a few hits from them. However, today, for some reason the thing broke. It was stuck on a lucky 10 pages that updated right before the thing broke. And guess who one of those lucky pages was? Me! So, not only did I get my 300th hit today, I got my 400th as well, and I'm almost up to 500. So I'd like to welcome any new people who have stumbled upon this page and plan on coming back. There have got to be at least a few of you! So all new people, feel free to
e-mail me or IM me. My address is garyl_2000@yahoo.com, and my AOL Instant Messenger screen name is garylogn. I love talking to random people, especially if you're a Scottish rat breeder. See ya!
Tuesday, January 28, 2003
Four cool things happened to me today. Let me see if I can remember them all. Ok, in no particular order, here they are:
Occasionally, I will IM somebody who appears active, and they won't respond. Occasionally, I will proceed with a "OMG, you've died at your keyboard" or something like that. Today, I IMed somebody, and they failed to respond. I then began talking about how this person's fingers were broken and how he couldn't type, etc etc. It went on for a while. Then I got bored and went away. When I came back, I noticed his away message was "I'm dead." Naturally, I had to comment some more on it. So, I wrote a few lines, then did something else for a while. Now, I get restless sometimes, and in these times I often go for a walk. So, I grab my hat and go for a trek. (this story actually has a point, so please, keep reading). So, its pretty cold out, and I'm glad I brought my hat. As I was saying this to myself, I see a foolish person who neglected to wear anything other than a baseball cap on his head. However, this foolish person looked tall and big and mean! So I thought to myself "Uh oh, I'm gonna get mugged!" (there are slight embellishments here and there, but most of this story is true). As we get closer, I start to recognize him. As we nearly pass each other (it was dark out, and the moisture in my eyes was freezing), I finally figured out who it was! The very kid I was trying to IM earlier! So, my first thought is "I thought he was dead" Quickly followed by "Uh oh! A zombie, I'm gonna get my brains eaten!" But, fortunately, he did not tackle me to the ground, smash my head open with a large rock, and feast upon the juicy pulp inside. Instead we went through the standard "how's it going" routine that defines so many of our social interactions, including the random running into somebody in the street. Then he says "did you try to IM me earlier?" And so we talked about that, and, it turns out that in fact passed out while he was at the keyboard, and awoke for long enough to post an away message that said "I am dead." Anyway, the cool thing was that when I made comments about how a person didn't respond to me, it was because they were actually unable to type, and not because they hate me, as is usuall. Anyway, he then went into the Marino center to feast upon the human brains contained inside.
The second cool thing is a dialogue between myself and my roommate Seth. Enjoy:
Seth: Who did this song?
Me: Ringo Starr.
Seth: I'm debating on whether to say the completely stupid thing or the kinda stupid thing.
Me: Let's here the completely stupid thing, get it out of our system.
Seth: You mean without the rest of the Monkeys?
I thought that was hilarious. For once Seth, you have justified your existance.
Now, on to the third thing: If you haven't noticed this yet, the title of this blog should be a link to my web page. Now, if you go there (I would recommend right clicking there and selecting the "Open link in new window" option), and go to my links page, you will see a link to Cockeyed.com. Whats important, however, is the text I use in my link, its clearly says "the sixth best web page in the world" on it. Now, go to cockeyed.com, and scroll all the way down. See how at the very right on the bottom line, it says "The sixth-best website in the world" Now, I can prove it if you want me to, but I was the very first person to write this!! ME!!! Rob Cockerham quoted me! Now, I realize that this isn't that big of a deal. Its not like Strongbad answered one of my e-mails, or Sam Brown drew one of my pictures, but it feels nice to see your impact on a somewhat large website.
Finally, a lot of people have been telling me that they actually enjoyed the party last night. To which I respond, bullshit! No way that everybody liked it. Then, after a while I was like "ok, if people want to lie to me to make me feel that they like me, it must mean that they like me." So, I came to that realization. Anyway, now I've come to another realization that its time for me to go to bed. So goodnight!
Monday, January 27, 2003
Well, today we had the superbowl party, and almost everyone came. WOO People!!! Woo! Everyone likes me!! And I made a killer bean dip. Well, it was nice bunch of people, and I think that most of the people there had fun. Anyway, if you're reading this, you might just have gone! Well, to put it simply, right now I'm tired, and I've got work to do tomorrow, so I'm going to go to bed right now. See you guys later! Anyway, in case you wanted the Screen name of somebody who went to the party, here's everybody, even Steffy:
Nate: NG11221
Dave: Rabidrunt7
Seth: SethABurton
Luke: Wolfrunr18
Tina: luxx184
Mary: WMurray13
Melissa: Issamela
Steffy: mrjellomonster
Sylvia: estrella de alma
Jon: jongo01
Mickey: Alric 100
And as always, I'm garylogn. So drop me a line!
But, anyway, I'm tired, so I'm going to bed. And good luck to Dave with the interview! Good luck Steffy/Luke with the test. And good luck to anybody else who needs it! Night!
Sunday, January 26, 2003
Lets say that my parents invite a friend over for dinner. Now lets say that this friend then brings a couple of friends, one of these friends brings yet more people. Now lets say that these people stay not only well into the night, but into the morning, the last one leaving well after when they would normally get up. My parents would consider that a night gone horribly wrong. I consider that a night gone horribly right.
Anyway, you can read about that night in yesterday's post. But as for today, it was also a good day. Very relaxing, and somewhat productive (I did some dishes). I also took a walk today, something that I hadn't done in quite some time. All the way down to the public gardens and back, quite refreshing. So, now that it looks like our cold wave is pretty much over, I hope that I can be back to being outside again.
So right now, I'm thinking that I've had two good days so far this weekend. The question you might be wondering is what will happen with the third? I'm glad that you've asked. I have taken it upon myself to have a superbowl party at my place. So far, it looks about like we'll have 10 or so people there, which is a good number. Any more and it would start costing too much money to feed everyone. But I'm hoping that no fights will break out or anything. Anyway, hope to see you there!
Saturday, January 25, 2003
Ahh! I told myself yesterday that I would have a good friday, and lo and behold, I had a wonderful day. Well, it all started so long ago....
I asked my friend Steffy what she was going to do tonight. She told me that I should think of something to do. So I said, you want to come over, play some gta? So she said ok, and I thought to myself "I'm gonna have fun today."
So eventually, she decided to come over, and she brought the old crew, (Sylvia and Melissa) and Melissa bought her crew (Jon and Brittany). Then we had big decisions over whether we should eat at the restaurant in my building or we should eat there. For reasons unbeknownst to me, some of the people decided to order there, and the rest of us would get delivery. I don't know why, and I don't want to know why. But anyway, as Seth and Nate were gone for the weekend, so (suprise) me and Luke were here, playing stuff. Then, Steffy and Sylvia came over, and started playing GTAVC, playing with Nate's stuff, eventually ordering pizza. Then Melissa, Jon and Brittany came up from downstairs and we all had a joyous time. Mainly, watching people play GTAVC, and laughing at all the things we did. Then, I think Steffy and somebody started throwing a foam football around, and annoying who was playing GTA at the time. So, eventually people start leaving, first Sylvia, then Luke, then Steffy. Eventually, Brittany had to leave, and one would logically assume that Jon and Melissa would eventually leave. Nope, they're still here. I argued politics and talked baseball with Jon, and we watched X-Men and Batman, and then did other stuff.
But, it was a great night, and I had lots of fun. I loved it! WOOO!!
So, Saturday will be spent putting off doing large amounts of work, Sunday is the big game, and then its monday.
Friday, January 24, 2003
Well here I am. Basically, other than classes, nothing much happened on this thursday. I went to dinner with a friend, and ran into another friend there. That was cool. After that, Seth eventually invited a friend over, and he entertained us for a bit, reading funny stories in funny accents. And now for something completely different.
I haven't mentioned Trebla for a while, but that doesn't mean that he's not out there, causing me pain. What he's doing right now is bascially toying with me, making me think that success (on all levels) is just a little bit away from me. And just as I feel I'm about to grab it, he yanks it out of my reach. Ahh, but such is life. Well, hopefully I'll win tomorrow, (which is actually today, and I mean friday, to put an end to all this confusion). Well, I guess I'll say goodbye now. See ya!
Thursday, January 23, 2003
I went to a photo shoot today! Horrah! One of my friends who's taking intro to photography had to photograph good looking people for her assignment. Naturally I recieved requests from about everybody in that class, but since I knew her already, I decided to let my presence grace the film of her camera. Anyway, we went to the Snell library, where everybody was astounded by my dashing good looks. She had to take 36 pictures of me, so by the end of the shoot I was doing weird things. Anyway, had I known what this would involve, I would have visited
Emotion Eric first, as he is obviously the master.
After that, I really didn't do a damn thing. At around 8 I went to a Bible study, and did some studying there. Upon coming home, I vegged out for a while, until I decided to do one of the things that I had inteded to do for some time. Write the worst possible novel I could. I think this could perhaps be the secret to writing. You're gonna fail, so why not try to make it bad, and fail at that. Well, I have discovered that I really can't force myself to write something incredibly horrible, so I try to make it a little better. Right now, it basically looks kinda like the Hitchhikers guide. Anyway, the only way I'll know how good it will be is by writing it. Anyway, I really have to get to bed, so I will hopefully speak with you tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 22, 2003
It is very very very cold out. Very cold out. Therefore, I have not spent much time outside lately, which is bad. But its better than being cold. So, hopefully I'll warm up tomorrow, although I'm sure that its still going to be cold. Umm, classes are going ok, but only ok. I like Wedsnesdays, because I don't have as many classes then, so hopefully tomorrow won't be too bad.
Anyway, tuesday's are usually busy, so I didn't have much time to work on my web page, or do other constructive things. But anyway, if I can think of things to do, I will do them to the page tomorrow.
So, until tomorrow, sleep tight and keep warm.
Tuesday, January 21, 2003
I've got a short week coming up, and hopefully I'll glide through it easily. But, this three day weekend was ok. I could have done a lot more, but people were hard to find, and findings were hard to people. But anyway, some of it was fun, at least.
As for today, I mainly played video games, and wished that people were doing stuff.
I think that I'm almost there. That I am this close to enjoying my life, like I used to. Only a little bit more, and I think I'll have it.
Thats about it. See you all tomorrow. Oh yeah, I also updated my book reviews at my webpage! So check it out at
Monday, January 20, 2003
Well, I didn't have time to do much with the webpage today, so I'm just gonna update and go to bed. I went over to Mickey's and tried to watch Insomnia, but after a while people came in and started talking and stuff. So I really couldn't follow it. Then we watched Rumble in the Bronx. Damn thats a good movie. Then I went home and played madden for a while. Other than that, I really didn't do much today. Just kind of hung out and stuff. Its cold in my room, so there must be a window open or something. Damn, I don't like it. Anyway, hopefully, tomorrow will rock. It had better. Well, I think I'm off to bed now, so see you later.
Sunday, January 19, 2003
fun fun funnery! Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody. I got some money cause I just got paid. Well actually, because I save it up real good. Anyway, today I bought Chrono Cross and Madden 2002 with the money I got from my Grandmother this Christmas. Fun fun funnery. I need a memory card to get anything done with Chrono Cross, so I'll get that real soon. And Madden 2k2 can be a bit frustrating, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.
Well, tomorrow, I promise myself, will be better than today. It will be better because I will command it to be better. AND IT WILL OBEY! But other than that, I shall once again mention that I have a new website located at
www.worthlessandweak.tk! So have fun!
Saturday, January 18, 2003
Well, hey, this blog isn't dead yet, because I can't get things to agree. Anyway, I had a boring friday. Of course, the last time I had a boring friday, it was followed by an incredible saturday. Hopefully, this will be a great weekend. Oh well, who knows? But this week was so incredilby excellent that it was incredible! I loved it all! I had sooo much fun and I just did so many cool things, I loved it!!! Hopefully, the rest of my life will be like this week. But I'm just enjoying my week, and with a week like that, you can have a boring friday and not feel bad about yourself. Now if only Luke were here this weekend, I'd love it so very much! Oh well, he'll be back.
Anyway, I spent much of tonight working on my webpage, now located at
www.worthlessandweak.tk. So go there, and see the rest of my page. Not much is there right now, but I'll work on it, I promise.
Well, see you guys tomorrow, and remember that I love you all.
Friday, January 17, 2003
Well, this may very well be the last, or perhaps the second to last update on this blog. Gasp! Horrors! Oh no! What will you do?
Relax, buddy. I'm just moving on to bigger and better things. My new web page is located at
www.worthlessandweak.tk, so go there and see it. Its not much now, but I will hopefully change it slowly to a great page. I might post here again tomorrow, but if now, you know where to go. See you all later.
Thursday, January 16, 2003
Saturday, part deux! I had a lot of things planned for the day, did almost none of them, and still had a great day. I love these days. Although it would be nice if I actually did things tomorrow.
But this is all very great. Because I feel that my life is getting somewhere. Certainly not the ideal situation, but the ideal situation would probably get boring real soon. But better than last term.
So I had dinner with friends, and later watched a movie. And I was completely incomptant, but managed to hide this through skill and luck. And you don't know how I was incompetant. But anyway, goodnight, see you all tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 15, 2003
Well, last year, I thought it was going to be the year. The one year when the sox finally go all the way. This year, I don't know. Of course, I'll get a much better idea when the season actually starts, but I think that I'll talk a little bit about what the sox are doing.
I was really hoping that we would sign Tom Glavine or Jim Thome or somebody who would make an immediate and very large impact on the team. Fortuneatly, we didn't. I think that Epstein, more than anything else, has made it clear that the Duquette era is over. We will no longer simply go into the market with huge amounts of cash, and try to buy success. I have often said that I could do that. Simply look at what we need, and offer huge amounts of money to somebody like Manny Ramirez. I think Epstein is a much better GM, due to his ability to get good players cheaply. For instance, I think that getting Giambi was a great idea. I think that Epstein will be sure to build a team, not to buy a team. However, there are several questions I still have. Lets look at the five man rotation, shall we?
Pedro Martinez, Derek Lowe, Tim Wakefield, Casey Fossum, and John Burkett. Of these five, I think that five of them have the potential to be good/great pitchers this year. However, of these five, I think that five of them have the potential to be large dissapointments. Lets look at each one:
Pedro Martinez. If he is healthy, he'll be a great pitcher. If he is healthy, that is. I really don't know if he will stay healthy, although I really don't think there is as much of a risk this year as there was last year.
Derek Lowe. He's only had one year as a starter. So, last year could have been a fluke. However, I really don't think that it was. He should be good this year, but you certainly don't know.
Tim Wakefield. When Tim is good, he is good. When he's not, he's not really good. I think that Wakefield could be great, if he plays all year like he played the end of last season.
Casey Fossum. I think that this kid will break out onto the scene. I really enjoyed watching him pitch great games last year. And although I think he wasn't good in the way that Pedro is good, I think that there is a very good chance that he will break out onto the scene sometime soon. It might not be this year though.
John Burkett. He's old, and he can't play forever. If he pitches like he did in the first half of the season, he (and the Red Sox in general) will have a great year. If he stays at the level he was at towards the end of last season, I think that he may very well end his career very quickly.
Overall, I think that we have enough talent in our lineup to give us a fighting chance. I certainly think that we will win or lose by or rotation (and perhaps the closer by commitee thing). I certainly don't think that all five of them will have a great year, or that all five of them will have a bad year. However, I think that at least one of them (either Wakefield or Burkett) will end up in the bulpen by the end of the year. And I expect Rolando Arrojo to take his place.
Of course, all this assumes that we don't get Bartolo Colon by the beggining of the year. If we do, I think that Boston will be the team to beat. He is good, and I don't see a large potential downside with him.
Anyway, enough baseball for today, so let me just wish the Sox a good year, and you a good day!
Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Well, its just one more monday. How many more do I have? Well, Tuesday's are pretty good, hopefully I will see more friends more often. This term is looking better than last on my social front, hopefully it will stay that way.
But I don't like classes, and I don't want ot do work, but hey, thats life.
I'm a little worried about things. Things that I really can't do much about, not at the moment anyway. Oh well, here's to things, maybe they'll get better.
Well, goodnight, and God bless you all!
Monday, January 13, 2003
I did nothing all day, but I'm still kinda tired. Oh well. Thats life. Well, if this actually updates, (because yesterday's refuses to) you can read it.
But, to summerize, I had a wonderful weekend, due entirely to Saturday. Entirely. Now, lets go on to next week! RA!!!
I hardly ever get phone calls. I got three tonight, none of which had a whole lot to say. Except maybe when my parents called. So thats that! I really want to start a real web-page. I think I need a free web-server. And I need a free domain registration. And I need a digital camera. I don't think I'll find a free one anywhere.
I'm going to bed now, see you in a bit.
Sunday, January 12, 2003
I had a whole big list of things that I was going to do today. I did none of them. The one plan I tried to make failed miserably. I chickened out of going to a party and instead stayed home and watched Cheers.
And yet, today was an incredibly terrific day. It might just have been the best day that I've had this year, perhaps. Simply wonderful. I am happy right now. Genuinely happy. I like my life. Anna, Annie, Eric, Seth, Seth, Seth, and Luke all rock. Last quarter, I kept on telling myself that life would get better next (this) quarter, and it might just be starting. Or it might not. But I don't care right now, because I can go to bed happy. And happiness is a wonderful thing. So, I'll see what tomorrow brings. Until then, good night, and God bless!
Saturday, January 11, 2003
Yesterday night, right as I was going to bed, I had a song just randomly pop into my head. I started singing a chorus, changed it around a bit, and then started on verses. It was the weirdest thing, but I actually wrote a song. And I don't think its horribly horrilbe. Its probably not very good, but I kind of like it. Lets put it this way, it was good enough that I had to put the first line into google, just to make sure that I didn't hear it some time ago and accidentally plagerize it. Yes folks, that good. Now, if I could play a musical instrument, or if I could sing, I might add music to the lyrics. But perhaps that can wait for another day.
Anyway, another boring Friday. Couldn't find anything to do. Oh well, such is life. Hopefully, Saturday won't be as boring.
Anyway, I'm going to bed now. Maybe another random song will pop into my head. Or maybe I'll get some sleep! Night!
Friday, January 10, 2003
Its not that I hate the winter, its that I love the summer. But anyway, my life has not magically turned around for the better like I hoped that it would this quarter. However, its really not supposesed to happen until February, so I'm not concerned. There is a lot of stuff that I want to do this weekend, and by a lot of stuff, I mean 2 or three things. But, I want to do them, and maybe some of them might just get done.
Anyway, I hope to establish my daily schedule soon, and part of that is getting enough sleep. Which means going to bed now. Nighty-night!
Wednesday, January 08, 2003
Today, great calamities were avoided. This was good. However, there is another calamity just over the horizon, and I fear that it will not end happily. But, such is life, we all live, and we all have to deal with stuff. If we didn't have to deal with stuff, well then, it wouldn't be life, now would it? But, I am glad that the calamities were avoided. Very great. Now, if I can just repair the damage thats already been done, in the various near-calamities of utter doom and destruction. Trebla has had a hand in this somewhere.
Anyway, since there isn't much else to talk about, I shall retire for the evening. However, before I do so I shall wish everyone who might read this a good night, and I shall also wish them luck in overcoming and avoiding whatever calamities might lay in their respective paths. Goodnight.
Hello! Its me again. Sorry that I haven't updated in forever, but its been confusing, the internet has been broken lots, and I've had vacation. However, slowly but surely, I'm beggining to fall into a routine again, (which I think is a good thing). So, I should be able to start posting here regularly again soon.
But on to more important things. First of all, if you haven't read the GL person of the year awards, I suggest that you do, they are right below here, maybe you've won something. Second of all, I hope that you've all had a great vacaction, and are still having one.
But on to the business of the day. Has there ever been anything that you've said to yourself: "I have absolutely no need for that whatsoever." Yet you still really really want it? I guess there are a couple of things where that applies to me. And theoretically thats bad I guess. But I don't lie awake wishing for these things, and so far I haven't done much to get either thing. I expect that I will never get one of them, and for the other, I really don't know. If I knew, I probably wouldn't be writing this. But anyway, here I am, a greedy little miser wanting things that I don't need.
Since I really don't have much left to say, I don't think I'm going to say anything. Only that before you know it, Spring training will be upon us. And, mark my words, 2003 will be the year. World Series, here I come!
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