I feel like ranting. And you know what that means, when I feel like ranting, don't you? You don't??? Well, just sit back for....
RANT NUMBER 1!!!!! The best way to get me to think a lot is to assign an exam for the next day. I've already invented a new type of tariff, really contemplated the meaning of the universe. So I always think a lot then. Umm, I thought I had more on this rant. On to...
RANT NUMBER 2!!!!! There are three types of people in this world. Those who aren't cynical enough. Those who are entirely too cynical. And those who are both. I'm the third kind. Anyway, today I've come to the realization that I really don't know anything about anything. I lot of what I'm thinking about is my view of the world, and how I like it. Today, I was starting to feel very cynical about the world as a whole. I had to do partially with stuff I read today, but more so on what it takes to succeed in this world. Maybe part of my problem is that I have no real idea what success is. So I'm here, with no real objective, no mission in life, no goals. Just day after day after day. Should I just be content being happy? (am I happy right now?) I think thats a good topic for....
RANT NUMBER 3!!!!! What is happiness anyway? Sometimes I think that I am totally unequiped to live in this universe. That everybody else is better at it than I, and that there should be some other universe that I should live in. Then I think, "ya know, I bet a lot of people feel that way, that they have no real idea of what is going on." So why does everybody else (those people who don't have blogs) seem to have it more together than me? Are they all just faking it? If so, then if we all would be a lot happier if we just came right out and said how we're unhappy, what we're missing in life. That, I think, could really make everybody a lot better off. So are we all here pretending to be happy, and it is the act of pretending to be happy that makes us unhappy. How fucking stupid.
But there's another side to it as well. Can you pretend to be happy? You constantly here about people who seem to have it all together, yet really don't, and their entire life is a sham. And you wonder, can you actually put a bright side on anything, does that really work? I'm of the opinion that the general consensus is that you can't do that. But maybe that's just something that unhappy people say. My problem is that I don't have enough real experience to figure anything out. Everything I know about the world I've learned through movies and bad sit-coms. I need to do something. Anything. So here's to something for me, and a little something for you too. Cheers!! And have a good day.