Tuesday night means reintroduction night. So, let me reintroduce myself. My name is Garrett, I am an economics student at Northeastern University, and live in Boston, Massachusetts. I enjoy reading, writing, and thinking. I don't have a girlfriend, I'm kind of in between the state of looking and not looking. Basically, I'll evaluate anything that comes my way, but I'm not actively pursuing anything. Or, if you prefer, I've given up all hope. I'm a christian (Presbyterian, if you want to be exact).
I love getting
e-mail. So please,
e-mail me, my address is garyl_2000@yahoo.com . You can also IM me, my aol instant messenger screenname is garylogn. So please, contanct me. Write about your life, comment on my page, ask me further questions on anything. Also, even if you don't want to e-mail me, you can just tell me that you see this site, in any way that you want to. Thank you all very much.
I have an Arch-enemy named Trebla. He is very evil, and one of his major goals in life is to torment me. As I have said already, he is quite evil. Anyway, he has an assistant named Megan, who also tries to torment and terrorize me. My only hope in beating him is to be kissed by a virgin and transformed into Dee Snider. I'm still looking for a virgin. So please, fight the forces of evil and volunteer, if you're a virgin.
I'm writing a book. I do about a paragraph every day or so. Nothing that will ever get publish, or anything that is good at all. Just something that I can put some of my time into.
That just about sums up who I am. I'm sure that I've forgotten something wildly important, but oh well.
Anyway, I totally got hit in the face twice by the same kid in frisbee today. I guess its ok, because each time he did so, I made a great play. (one on defense, one on offense). So, I wasn't really mad or anything. I just got a 100 on my Stats quiz, which makes me quite happy. Other than that, nothing really happened in my life. Come to think of it, nothing much ever really happens in my life. I mean, its pretty boring, and half the time I have to make stuff up to write in here. You think Trebla is a real person? Nope, just something I made up in order to fill space in my blog. So there you have it, I'm a boring boring person. Oh well, in the words of the great Lazlow "beats digging sewage ditches outside of Kuala Lampur." Words to live by, Lazlow, words to live by.
(I was just joking, Trebla does in fact exist. This was all just a ploy by me to get him to think he doesn't exist. If I can get him to doubt his own existance, why then, he must just give up.)