Worthless and Weak

You're all worthless and weak!

Monday, November 04, 2002

Well, today I came face to face with an agent of Trebla. You see, she came in with my roommate Seth and my friend Luke, and we started to talk, about meaningless things. After a while she mentioned that she was from New Hampshire. Now, noting that one of the closest Senate races in the country is in New Hampshire (along with Minnesota, South Dakota and a few others), I decided to encourage her to take part in the democratic process. So, naturally, I asked if she was 18 yet. Upon hearing this, she promptly kicked me in the shin, showing her obvious disregard for democracy, freedom and the American way. Such a person is obviously a servant of Trebla, and seeks to undermine the very principles that our great nation is built upon. She is not only content with removing her say from our government, but is also on a quest to kick all those who exercise their right in the shin, creating an obvious roadblock to democracy. She is obviously a part of a larger scheme of Trebla to rule the universe.

There really isn't much other to report in my life today. Other than the fact that not only did the Bengals win, but they won 38 to 3, which is a great score. Nothing much else is going on in my world today, mostly watching politics. So, I will encourage you all to vote, especially if you live in one of the following states: Florida, Georgia, Arkansas, Texas, Missouri, North Carolina, Maryland, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Tennesse, Hawaii, Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa, or any other State with close elections, or any elections at all. And that's about as political as I want to get on this site.

Finally tonight, reading through past posts and other journal like things, I realize that I come to a lot of realizations in my life, but I really should write them down because I have no idea what they are anymore.

So, goodnight, and have a great tomorrow!

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