Worthless and Weak

You're all worthless and weak!

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Time for the GL Person of the year contest. The nominees were announced in secret two days ago. So I'll announce them publicly. The nominees are:

Seth Burton, for being the 100th person to visit this webpage. Pretty much self explanatory. I've known him the entire year, so he kind of gets a leg up on the competition.

Trebla, for being my arch-nemesis. Trebla has been the thorn in my side for a long long time. He plots against me every chance he gets. He has already thwarted several of my plans, and is probably giving away all my secrets. He is evil evil evil. He's probably been in existance for some time, but I discovered him about this October sometime, which gives him a slight disadvantage.

Bill, for owning a PS2 and GTA3. This wasted huge amounts of my time. Also, his extensive DVD collection helped me catch up on a few movies that everybody but me has seen. I haven't seen him since June/May, which puts him at a large disadvantage. However, if he is going to win, it is going to be this one.

Satan, also known as Brucifer. Evilllll, eeeeevvvvvvviiiiilllllll!!!!!!

Melissa, for giving me somebody other than Seth to watch Anime with much of the Spring and late winter. She still exists, (unlike some people I used to know), but her general tendency to spend lots of time on schoolwork and my general tendency to no longer watch anime means I haven't seen her a whole lot this school year.

Thomas Dolby, for making lots and lots of good music. Not the best music in the world, but good enough to catch my attention. I discovered mr. dolby about last april/may, and have enjoyed him since.

Jerry Love, for amoung other things, having a really cool guy. And being much much nicer than average.

Also recieving consideration: Sean, Mark (I'll miss you mark), Nate, Steffy, Luke, (I think I'll promote you to a level 1/2 (-0) Yellow mage with pink stripes.) Family, Todd, Huskey, Berky, Megan (ohio), Sylvia, Kevin Charles. If you're not on this list, it means that you're not important to me, and that I hate you!

Winners will be announce on or about December 28, or whenever I feel like it.

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