Worthless and Weak

You're all worthless and weak!

Sunday, February 02, 2003

Well, today has been a busy day. Good thing that I'm starting to write stuff down, or else I probably wouldn't remember it all. Well, to start things off, today was one of those natural failures. One of those days where not a whole lot seems to go right. In fact, some of it goes wrong. But it wasn't horrible in the way that horrible days are horrible. Like, when you fail a test, get dumped, lose $50, etc. That's a bad day. My day was one of those rare days when things look like they might happen, but don't, or end up happening in a rather different sort of way. So it wasn't a horrible day, the best word for today might be weird. Well, lets start it off, at the beggining...

I had one goal and only one goal for today. Getting tickets to the Sox-Yankees games. So, I got up early. My plan was to go over to Fenway Park and buy tickets myself. Of course, in the morning, and late at night, my ambition can be reduced by a lot. So I was like "ehhh, I'll just see if I can order tickets online, or use the phone." Well, to make a long story short, by the time I got through, they sold out all the tickets to the Yankee games. Oh well, I'll just have to go down to the big city and see the Sox kill the Bombers in the House that Ruth built.

But on to other things. So, now that I have something resembling a social life, people ask me if I want to do anything for dinner. Of course, that IM came today at say 5. So I was like, ok. So, I ate with a bunch of people. This was kind of fun. Afterwards, some people were like "lets go over to somebody's place and do something." So, we went somewhere and did something. Or maybe we went something and did somewhere. Well, I think my evening can be perfectly explained by this exchange. Enjoy.

(on our way to my place)
Me: should we get any DVD's or anything?

Melissa: No, I'm sure we'll find something.

(after we arrive, first words Melissa speaks): Hey, turn on the weather channel!

But, thats not the only good quote today. Lets here some more!!

Me: (jokingly) Dude, you missed out on some extreme cartoon porn!

Luke: (sarcastic) Oh shoot!


Luke: Hey wait, I've seen that before!
And, yet even more funny happenings.

I've discovered the best pick-up and break up lines ever!

Best pick-up line: There's one girl out there who I love with my entire heart. Who means more to me than anybody else in the whole world. I would give anything to see her face. But, I'm probably never gonna find her, so I'm gonna marry you instead.

Best break up line: It's just not going to work. You're a girl, I'm a boy, we're just too different.

On to yet more hilarious thingies...

So, me, Melissa and Sylvia were walking down the street, and we saw a mutual friend in ABP with somebody. So we were like "hey, lets all wave!" So we all waived, and the kid looked really really embarrased. So then as we were walking past another restaurant, Sylvia was like "we should wave to random people in that too." We didn't wave to anybody, but Melissa said "hmm, maybe its better that we didn't wave, that one guy looked mad." To which I replied "Hey, no matter how mad a guy is, he'll always be happy to see a cute girl wave at him." Now, immediately after that, Melissa got a look on her face like "I know that there is a punchline coming. It just has to come..." So, after a few seconds, I said in a sarcastic tone "too bad we don't have any of those."

So, we came up to my place, and I guess the term the young 'uns are using today is "chilled." Because I didn't have a great time. But whatever, better than wasting time, eh?

But, on to other things...

Disney exists for one reason and one reason only, to make profits. I have nothing against this, first of all. I don't see why they shouldn't make profits. However, it used to be that Story tellers existed for other reasons. To teach children lessons, for one. Now, today I had the pleasure of seeing an old version of The Little Mermaid. Which, instead of trying to have a happy ending, had an ending which might be able to teach children a lesson. I think that this, in addition to giving a lesson, makes it a much better movie. It actually suceeded in making you think, and give you lessons that you can apply to your own life.

Finally, what I really want is a castle in the clouds. Some place where I can go and day-dream of pirates and flying bears and stuff. Today, I've felt that I just want to go and not be bothered by anything, just be by myself for a while. I've gotten used to not haveing my own room anymore, and Seth isn't a bad roommate at all. But, I just want some place where I can be completely alone sometimes.

Anyway, see you guys next weekend!

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