Worthless and Weak

You're all worthless and weak!

Monday, March 24, 2003

Well, I'm gonna see if I can get back into the habbit of updating daily again, after a one week break. Well, my spring break was spent in an area so remote that it didn't have high a speed internet connection. How silly of them. But anyway, there isn't a whole lot to talk about, mainly because my life is boring.

On friday night, my younger brother had a party and invited all his friends, who talked about high school. Which kind of made me nostalgic for the good ole days. Of course, they really weren't all that great, not compared to college anyway. But, still, I look back at them with nothing but fondness in my heart. All that boredom that was high school, and still I remember it fondly. I wonder how I'm going to remember college. I don't know.

Anyway, I saw the oscars tonight. And I'm glad that Spirited Away won. That was cool. And I'm still looking forward to baseball season. And class. And breakfast. Breakfast is gonna be soooo good this term. And hanging out with friends. If you're with you're friends, nothing can really be all that bad. Unless you're friends suck, in which case you're screwed. But, as my friends don't suck, (not even Seth), I'm gonna have one heck of a quarter.

And, hopefully, I'll have a nice night as well. So, good night everybody. See everyone tomorrow, hopefully.

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