Worthless and Weak

You're all worthless and weak!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

So I've been asked what exactly the weird story about the Bible is. Well, to tell you the truth, had this guy actually told me I weird story, I wouldn't have minded it. But he didn't tell a story. It wasn't really a cohesive narrative. It was just a bunch of words.

So he said that if you go through the Bible, and find all the words with the letters "it" in them, and replace them with "le" you will, umm, well, he never actually said what would happen. Merely that he had been doing it. So he then went on to list all the words that he got. Only, he didn't actually get any words, he had to take the beginings and endings off of words to get other words. (For instance, he took inheritance, changed it to inherleance), and then shortened it to "lean" which he said had something to do with priests.

Anyway, the other words that he got were lee, lei, bleet, and bleed. He said that bleed probably had something to do with the ancient Jewish practice of animal sacrificing. I told him that it obviously referred to the crucifixion, which blew his mind. Then I left, and he thanked me for my time.

Oh, and one last thing. He said that there were no words in Revelation that had "it" in them. (I'm assuming that he might have skipped words such as "it" or "with"). However, the following words are in Revelation 1. Written: (Wrleten). Spirit (Spirle). Faithful (Falehful) Witness (Wleness). Write (wrlee). White (whlee)

As you can see, none of that means anything. I suppose that Spirle could mean Spiral. Or Falehful could mean Falafel. whlee could refer to William Henry Lee. But none of those things really have any significance at all. Basically, based on my expert opinion, there's less to this than there is to Nostradamus, (who I should also do a post on).



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