Worthless and Weak

You're all worthless and weak!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Its Fathers day today,

So I got my dad a book, and some wine. And I went home, unlike my deadbeat brothers. (and don't give me any excuse about being 3000 miles away!).

And yesterday, I watched the Seventh Seal. It was a movie that I had wanted to see for a while, (its the old Ingmar Bergman film). I went in thinking there was about a 25% chance that I'd love it, and a 75% chance I would hate it.

Turns out I was wrong, I ended up merely liking it. I didn't "get" it, although I'm not sure how important getting it was. It didn't seem to really come to any conclusion, although for such a movie, such an ending couldn't possibly be satisfactory. (The only two ways it could have wrapped things up in ending would be for there either to be a God, or be no God, but of course Bergman himself doesn't know (or rather, didn't know at the time. Presumably he knows now)).

But the characters were more than just cheap excuses for exposition. I actually really cared about some of them, and the visual story telling was great. Especially the scene where the actors were interrupted by the religious procession. The ending really kinda fell short for me (see above for reasons), but I guess it had to. Anyway, moral of the story, check it out, especially if you're into Swedish art cinema.



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