Worthless and Weak
You're all worthless and weak!
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Well, yes, its that time of year again. You know what I'm talking about. Award season. Yes, thats right, the GL awards are being announced this very moment.
Yet again, Seth wins another honorary GL award, as he was yet again my roommate for part of last year, and anybody who puts up with me for that amount of time gets an award.
Next are the general Megan and Seth awards. I seem to know an inordinant number of Seths and Megans. (For instance, how many Seths do you know? I once roomed with two people named Seth at the same time!) Anyway, I just want to recognize the best of the best when it comes to Seths and Megans.
So, first the Seth award. The winner is Berkowitz, who, on my birthday hike, could have greatly overreacted to a certain incident, but instead chose to understand and forgive and not ruin my birthday. So, here's to you Seth!
Second, the Megan award. This year's winner is Stuart, who I saw a movie with, talk online with frequently, went to her high school play, and other stuff. And, although she is the servant of Trebla, she is still a pretty cool person. Here's to you Megan!
Next is the quote of the year. The runner up is:
"Hey! I don't like it, but a bucks a buck." -Me, sounding bad when taken out of context, but sounding much, much, much worse when put into context.
And the winner is:
"Dude! If we get Dead or Alive X-treme beach volleyball, we won't need girlfriends!" -Me, again, to Luke, talking about or Lady troubles.
Next, is the prestigious Garrett will name this award later award, which goes to the coolest person I met during the year. This is supposed to be a kind of a rookie of the year award, like, the person who I expect to make the most positive effect in my life. Last year's winner was Luke, and he went on to make a significant impact on my life this year.
I really wasn't sure who should get this award. Jon and or Brittany definately fit all the criteria, as they are both likely to effect my life in 2004 and beyond, but they really aren't the idea of the award, as they really had a lot of stuff to do with my life for the past year. I mean, the GWNTALA shouldn't go to a person who is nominated for the GLPOTYA. Anyway, but I'm gonna give it to Jon anyway, in fact because he didn't have as much to do with my life is Brittany, which definately shouldn't be the criteria for winning any award, but it is. Congrats Jon, you won on a technicality. Other people who have won on technicalities include Dale Alexander, (1932 AL batting title) and George W Bush, (2000 US presidential election).
Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for. The GL person of the year award. The nominees are...
Luke, Jon, Brittany, the 2003 Boston Red Sox, Mary, Salim, and John Kerry. Except for John Kerry, who is on the ballot due to a bit of a technicality, everyone had a positive impact on my life. I want to thank all the friends in there for being my friends, and wish the best of luck to the Red Sox, who will win it all this year, (already a half-game above the Yankees!!!).
But, one person stands out more than anybody else. And that one person is.........
Salim Furth. Now, this is by far the most controversial GL award yet, as it has been awarded to Sailm for two reasons, both of which occured not in 2003, but in 2004. But, the voters have spoken, and Salim won. Anyway, he won for two major reasons. First, pity. Yes, I am truly sorry for all those rejections, so here's something that might cheer you up. Secondly, your moustache. You have this ability to have quite daring looks, without crossing the line (like say, Seth Burton does). Anyway, congradulations on your win. And here's encouraging you to try out for the
Anyway, what have you won? A free dinner, on me, at anywhere that isn't too expensive. A hug. And an honorary doctoral degree from the Logan institute of elevator logic. Congradulations Dr. Salim Furth!!!!
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Lets suppose that you are the dictator of the world, with pretty much all government power vested in yourself. Now, lets suppose that you know, (from like, messages from the future or something), that a disease is going to come and kill lots of people, (whether its a virus or a bacteria or something else isn't important, this is a hypothetical question). Anyway, there is a group of people, an ethnic minority, who is about 10% of the population. They are spread out pretty much evenly throughout the world. They have their own culture, and most of the individuals sees himself as a member of their community. Also, they have been the target of ethnic hatred and mistrust for what seems like forever, and as a result they sometimes don't trust other people, or the government.
Anyway, each and every member of this ethnicity has a genetic vulnerability to this disease, and infact become walking incubators, and spread the disease to everyone. Anyway, you figure that if you were to genocide these people, the disease would probably kill about 70-75 percent of the earths population. If you let them alone, it will kill 95+% of the world's population. Now, what do you do?
Also, if a: they face certain death anyway, (ie, the virus will kill 100% of the ethnic minority)
b: if the ethnic minority has a resistance to the virus, (ie, hardly anyone in the minority will die. But they carry the disease, and anyone not of their ethnicity who comes into contact with them will die.)
c: if nobody in the ethnic minority believes you about the virus?
If you want to
e-mail me responses, I'd love that. i'm at, garyl_2000@yahoo.com
Monday, March 29, 2004
So I just yelled, (internet yell) at a friend for about an hour and a half because I got fed up with him speaking his mind. Even after I told myself that I wasn't going to.
There are two things in the universe that really really really really piss me off. The first is when people take up two parking spots with one car. Cause its like, "what? What possible reason is there for that? To ensure that your car doesn't get dinged?" Honestly, if I knew that a person parked there for the sole reason of preventing their car from getting dinged by another cars door, and I knew that they did this often, (ie that this wasn't just one bad day, and they just wanted to park and get on with it), and that they they were never going to get towed or ticketed by the powers that be, and that I wasn't going to get caught, I would consider putting a baseball bat through their windsheild. The second thing that really pisses me off is when the IE window takes up the entire screen of your comp, except the very edge, so when you try to close your window, you close the window that was behind it and maximized, because that really pisses me off.
Finally a note of joy. My mother is going to be out of town for a while. Which means that I'll be able to get away with doing whatever I want. So, while she's out of town, guess what? I'm gonna use EVERY FUCKING LAUNDRY BASKET IN THE FUCKING HOUSE!!!!! oh yeah, you heard right. I'm gonna have a fucking seperate basket for right and left socks, because I can, and nobody is gonna stop me. I'm gonna go wild with textile organization. Dirty clothes, kinda dirty clothes, oh for the next 4 days, I will live life to its fullest!
Thursday, March 25, 2004
when you smile at me, you make the sun shine brighter and the world seem nicer and everything seem like its gonna be ok. Which is exactly why you cause me sooooo much pain. But thats life, aint it?
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Why must the universe act the way it does? WHY? GRRRR!!!!!! Anyway, I just read several things. One kinda seemed weird. One was another thing I wrote which made me laugh, and the final thing made me sick to my stomach. And now I won't be able to sleep because of it.
So why do I keep doing this to myself? I told myself I wasn't, but I gave in. Maybe if I keep on trying, maybe maybe maybe. AAAHHHH!!!!!.
Anyway, two things. One, I feel worthless and weak. And Worthless, and useless, and stuff.
Two, maybe this is just God telling me to get my priorities in order. Probably, in fact. Anyway, I might be able to get to bed soon, so see you all later.
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
i feel like I should drink something, but when I drink something I'm still thirsty, and feel that if I got to bed I won't get to sleep.
Which is an aweful feeling to have. But maybe things will get better. Maybe, just maybe....
Saturday, March 20, 2004
I don't want to go to work, but I suppose I have to. I wish that I could do whatever I want, and stuff. But I can't, because the universe isn't specifically built for me. Anyway, see you later!
so last year, I got Madden 2002 or something for the game cube. During spring break, I bought Handel's Messiah for a school project. A few days ago, me and Seth bought Reservoir Dogs with the gift cards we got from the student survey thing. Anyway, so its my brothers birthday party today, I didn't get him anything because nobody told me we were gonna celebrate it today. But anyway, I had these things that I didn't need anymore, so after his party, I went into his room and started giving those random things to him one by one. Anyway, he enjoyed Reservoir Dogs, he might enjoy Madden, and he has no use whatsoever for Handel's Messiah. Oh well, two out of three aint bad.
Friday, March 19, 2004
Hmmm, no e-mails? Might I ask why? E-MAIL ME YOU PITIFUL FOOLS!!!!!!
Anyway, I've got a paranoia meter, and its regestering that my paronoid thoughts are, "justified and probable."
Ahhh, and I've got a paper to do now, so let me do it please. Anyway, see you people around.
Thursday, March 18, 2004
I have 1600+ hits here. Which averages out to about 3 a day. So three people visit this blog daily. Who are you? I'd really like to know, so please
e-mail me, I'm at
garyl_2000@yahoo.com. Or, IM me at "ThadeusMcMonster," on AOL instant messanger. Please please please please please e-mail me.
Anyway, I just went through all the old things that I have written, and I think that I am a really freaking good writer. So I'm thinking that maybe I should write. Anyway, I was thinking about putting my best stuff up here to be read, and would love input. But nobody ever writes back. So if you e-mail me, with a request, I guarantee you your very own story. Yes, that's right, your own story, a page or two long, for you to laugh at. All you have to do is e-mail me and request it, and then if you would, give me feedback on it. But you don't have to critique me if you don't want, all you have to do is just gimme an e-mail, like I'm strongbad or something. Anyway, goodnight, see you later.
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Ten things you can do to make yourself a better human being.
10. Smile more. The percent of people who smile too much is probably something like half a percent. Chances are, you could make yourself and everyone around you happier by smiling more often.
9. Watch less TV. Its all junk anyway.
8. Enjoy next thursday. You've probably got a hell of a lot to do. (hmmm, actually, if you're reading this, you've probably got more free time than you know what to do with, but anyway...) But you can't have so much work to do that you can't relax for once, let your problems take care of themselves, and just enjoy the day for what it is. Even if its just once every two weeks.
7. Re-read your favorite book. It gets better each time. Really.
6. When you ask for advice, listen to it. Every time I ask for advice on what to do, I've already made up my mind, and its always the thing that I'm advised against doing, and it always turns out wrong. If you're gonna take the time to ask advice, you better seriously consider following it.
5. Realize that its not that important. Really? Whats keeping you up at night? Its not half as important as you think it is. So get to bed and enjoy your sleep.
4. Learn to live with the consequences of your decisions. You were the one who decided to wait until the last minute to do whatever, so why should you complain when you don't get the results you want?
3. Realize that you might not in fact have all the answers. There is a near infinite amount of knowledge out there, and the amount of knowledge that you posses is a miniscule fraction of it.
2. Make another friend. You can't have too many friends.
1. Write your own number one.
I can guarantee you we will have school tomorrow. I know this because my week started off great, and has gotten worse and worse and worse. Among the bad things that have happened recently:
its snowing!
my computer won't load Strongbad's 100th e-mail.
parking ticket
couldn't hang out with my friends as much as I'd like to.
Anyway, maybe it will inverse itself, so that it starts getting better again, and by friday it will incredible. I'd like that.
I used to be real paranoid. And there was one thing that I was like, "alright Garrett, you're just being way to paranoid. you need to get your act in order and realize that its just your imagination run wild." and then the thing I was afraid was going to happen happened. But I'm no longer as paranoid, but is something (actually, the exact same thing) happening again? I hope not, but it'd be characteristic of my life if it did.
Anyway, goodnight all.
Monday, March 15, 2004
Worthless and Weak presensts a play in one Act.
Act I, scene i:
Enter Garrett
Garrett: Ahh, its a wonderful day out. The birds are singing, the sun is out, things are going well. I've got all sorts of things that I should really be happy about. Well, from this day forward, I shall enjoy my life and stop complaining! Hoorray for life!
knocking sound comes from door
Garrett: A knock at the door? Whoever could it be?
Garrett Opens door. Enter Reality
Garrett: Good day reality! I'm feeling wonderful. How are you doing today?
Reality: I just want to inform you that you don't have a girlfriend, and probably never will.
Garrett: .....
Reality is a good thing. I really like it. In fact, reality might just be the best thing. But at times, Reality can be a gigantic asshole.
Saturday, March 13, 2004
I wish I could solve every problem in the world. If not solve one particular problem, I wish I could just see if this problem really exists.
Anyway, its about time for bed. So goodnight.
This week has been really good. Again, no idea why, but very very good. Last week I felt insecure about myself, now I feel empowered. Before I was worried, now I feel confident. Not sure exactly what caused me to feel this way. Two different things might be the cause of my feelings, and well, I guess I'm just gonna enjoy it while it lasts, eh?
In other news, I need to be more humble. I'm soooo arrogant and I really really need to get some perspective into my life.
Night all, have a great weekend.
Friday, March 12, 2004
I feel happy. No clue why. None whatsoever. But I'll stop complaining right now.
I've got a midterm tomorrow. I think I'm gonna go to bed now.
And I just can't get over how I feel happy. Did you do this to me? If so, can you continue doing so? Night! :)
Thursday, March 11, 2004
I had dinner with Brittany tonight. She's a great person, I wish I could hang out with people like her more. My lures of free dinner only seem to go so far. Hmmm.
Anyway, I'm really tired right now, so I'm gonna go to bed and I know I'm not gonna fall asleep for 3 hours. Cause thats just how things go.
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
So, I went to Christian Student Union tonight for the first time this year. I need to go to religious things often, in order to make myself a better human being.
I really don't want to go to school tomorrow. But I should get to bed so I can.
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
I'm not sure whats happening. It could be good, it could be something else.
Anyway, it snowed today, which sucked. At least we had good weather during the break though.
I should probably have better things to say here, but I don't. So I'll just keep on blabbering until somebody tells me to shut up. Night!!!
Monday, March 08, 2004
Sunday, March 07, 2004
So I was thinking about doing some baseball predictions before the season started.
My last season predictions were as follows.
east: Boston
central: Minnesota
West: Oakland
wc: New York
east: Atlanta
Central: St Louis
West: Dodgers
WC: Philly
As you can see, I did ok, naming 3.
Well, I'm gonna do two different predictions. One realiztic, one adventurous.
AL East
New York
Tampa Bay
AL Central
Kansas City
AL West
Wild Card: Boston
NL East
New York
NL Central
St. Louis
NL West
San Fransico
San Diego
Los Angelos
NL Wild card: Chicago
Going on a limb predictions
AL East
New York
Tampa Bay
AL Central
Kansas City
AL West
AL WC: New York
NL East
New York
NL Central
St Louis
NL West
San Diego
San Fransico
Los Angelos
NL Wild Card: Still Chicago
Boston over Houston in 6 games
AL MVP: Garret Anderson
AL Cy Young: Pedro Martinez
AL ROY: Joe Mauer
NL MVP: Marcus Giles or Mark Prior
NL Cy Young: Mark Prior
NL ROY: Johnny Estrada
Saturday, March 06, 2004
I'm doing a thing for a class where I'm gonna analyze Handel's Messiah. I didn't realize that it was three hours long when I agreed to do it though. Oh well.
Ron Santo is rapidly becoming one of my favorite all time players.
I have nothing that I want to say here, only things that I've said way too often. Oh well, i need to get to bed.
Thursday, March 04, 2004
haven't updated in about a week. So, its spring break. So, Monday, I played badminton with my little brother. It was near 70 on monday. Tuesday, I went into boston and went to the MFA with Luke.
A little aside here, Luke is a complete idiot. He said he couldn't find his ID, so he couldn't go into the MFA. So we went into his room to look for his ID, (he lives across the street from the MFA). And eventually, I find it, in his wallet. Thats like something Seth would do. Then he just went around making stupid comments in the MFA.
Anyway, then we walked downtown, near faniel hall. And so we go into a shop, and its a wonderful day out. And we walk out of the store, and its incredibly dark and stormy out, and raining. But it was a warm storm, like a nice summer storm. Oh, its soooo close to being summer that I'm becoming delerious!!!
anyway, today and tomorrow I work(ed), and Friday, who knows?
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