Worthless and Weak
You're all worthless and weak!
Monday, March 31, 2003
Well, it was a long monday today. And I'm thinking about going to bed circa 10 tonight. I don't think I've gone to bed by 10 in quite some time. And I've got a headache.
But it was also opening day today. And a dissapointing one at that. It seems that we can never really get a good bullpen together. Anyway, Pedro was on the top of his game, and thats all that really matters. That, and our offense wasn't too bad. So, lets just try again tomorrow, and see what fate brings us. I will write about baseball at some point, perahps by tomorrow. Or maybe I'll never do anything again. I don't really care at this point.
Anyway, see you guys tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
I had one goal today. Getting up for my 8am, and going to it. And my next classes. That was such a long long time ago, and I've done so much since. That early, the world is a very surreal place. With demons, and hunchbacks, and little fairy people that lie to you. And I became convinced than ever that there is a great dark conspiracy against me instigated by Bill James. As I was walking through Ryder, I overheard a group of people talking. One was listing off various medical terms, and everyone else was laughing. "Anti-bodies" "haa-haa-ha-ha-ha-ha-HAA!" "Lymph nodes" "Waa-haa-haa-haa-haa"
When I got back to my apartment, I thought maybe it was all a horrible horrible dream. BUT I HAVE THE SYLLABI TO PROVE THAT I WENT TO THE CLASSES!!!!
Anyway, the rest of my day was surreal as well. The middle part consisted of a walk, which wasn't surreal at all. Then I came back and nothing surreal happened. I was happy. And then, my good friend, then, dinner. So, five of us are having dinner in a booth, minding our own business. When suddenly, a straw wrapping comes flying out of the air and lands next to me. And the people in the booth next to me laugh a lot. So I give it back and say "I believe you dropped something." Now, I figured that I needed to throw something back. You can't exactly throw straw wrappers back, so my friend Steffy gives me a bag of crackers. Which I fling backwards, without looking. And it hits one of the girls in the booth next to me in the back of the head. So, that stuff went on for a while, and for some reason we started quoting Don Hertzfeld. Specifically, "My Anus is Bleeding!" In a really high pitched voice. So Steffy yet again says that I need say that to Sylvia (the person sitting next to me) in a voice loud and clear enough for the table next to me to hear. So, I naturally say NO! And they bug me, and I claim that I could never do it with a straight face. After they stop trying to get me to say it, I look over at Sylvia, and say it. But nobody (other than Sylvia) heard. So, eventually, after about two more tries, I said it. And the table next to us suddenly became very very silent. For a second. And then they all cracked up.
Anyway, my evening ended with surreal Japanese culture. I'm going to have nightmares tonight. Damn Anime School girls, with your atheletic competitions.
Tuesday, March 25, 2003
eeek!! Its getting late, and I should go to bed now. But first, let me blog a bit.
I ran into an unexpected person today! Guess you could call him an old friend. Anyway, he's married now, and thats cool. And today was nice out, so I played a little frisbee with Luke, nothing ultimate, just warming up. As the weather warms up as well. Seth made it back safely from Ogden, Utah, which I guess is a nice thing. And, although I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm ready for classes, but I'm gonna get a good night's sleep and try my darndest at them. And my fantasy league is under way, and I can't wait until the season starts. Ohh, thats gonna be sooo fun. I've got a decent team, although it lacks dependable starting pitching. Got a few guys who I think could be good, and one or two of them hopefully will. I've got a few power guys, and I'm thinking of giving one up for a starting pitcher. Any thoughts? Should I trade 40 HRs and 100 RBIs for 20 wins and 250K? I'm not entirely sure. Prolly will.
Anyway, see you people at breakfast tomorrow. Yum! Night.
Well, I registered for classes today! Yay! But other than that, my day was spent sittering around, thinking about baseball, and waiting for Seth to get here. I can't believe that I miss Seth. Well, actually I'm missing the PS2 he brought with him, but anyway. I wonder what crazy adventures he's been having.....
meanwhile, in Utah...
Seth (to himself): hmmmm, I wonder if I can get out of Salt Lake City international airport, see "Boat Trip" and get back in time for my flight. Now, lets think logically. It will take me 10 minutes to get to the theatre, 10 minutes to get back, and the movie is about 100 minutes long. So thats two hours. Its 3:00 now, and my plane leaves at 4:45. Hmmm, maybe I'll just skip the previews.
(Seth wanders out of the airport, and into downtown Salt Lake City, and talks to a random person on the street)
Seth: Excuse me, do you a good movie theatre around here?
Person: Ummm, no.
Seth: Please...??
Person: I said I don't know. I'd like to help you, but I don't know where one is.
Seth: But I want to see Boat Trip, starring the hilarious Cuba Gooding Jr.
Person (aggrivated): Would you be happy if I lied to you and told you there's one five blocks that way (points)?
Seth: Yes
Person: There's one 5 five blocks that way (points again)
Seth Thank you!
(Seth starts to go in that direction, but he quickly loses count of the blocks he has walked)
Seth (to himself): Oh, I'm lost. maybe I'll just go to the nearest restaurant, and have myself a bit to eat.
(Seth wanders for a while, until he bumps into yet another random person on the street, who happens to be named Thaddeus)
Thaddeus: So, what brings you to the city on the Salt Lake?
Seth: I'm flying from Florida to Boston
Thaddeus: Let me repeat the question.
Seth: I was originally supposed to transfer at Atlanta, but I traded tickets with somebody I met at the airport.
Thaddeus: I see.
Seth: So where are you from?
Thaddeus: Logan, Utah.
Seth. Hee-hee. Thats like my roommates name.
Thaddeus: Your roommate's name is Logan Utah.
Seth: No, its like Logan, Utah.
Thaddeus: Blowgun Brutawe?
Shogun Muteawe?
Casper Wyoming?
Then i don't see how its like Logan Utah.
Seth: his name is Logan.
Thaddeus: without the Utah
Seth: exactly
Thaddeus: Thats not very much like Logan Utah. I mean, one could say 'I live in Ogden, Utah. Thats like Logan, Utah, because it has the Utah in it.' or 'I live in Ankara, Turkey. Its like Logan, Utah, because they both have commas.' What's your roommtaes last name?
Seth: Logan.
Thaddeus: So his name is Logan Logan?
Seth: No
Thaddeus: But you said his name was Logan, and his last name was Logan.
Seth: No, I didn't.
Thaddeus: Yes you did
Seth: OK I did, but I didn't mean it
Thaddeus: Fine
Seth: Do you have the time?
Thaddeus: Its 6:00
Seth: Oh NO! FOUR! NO SHOOT DAMN SCREW HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT, I've missed my flight. I can't believe this. I'm such an idiot. No. Why do I do these things! I can't believe it! No!
Anyway, that funny Seth, what has he gotten himself into this time? Well, one things for sure, his parents' suffered a sevre lack of judgement when they let that boy get on a plane by himself. Maybe not so much of a complete lack of judgement, as patience. Can't say I blame them otherwise. Anyway, hopefully I'll see you all tomorrow.
Monday, March 24, 2003
Well, I'm gonna see if I can get back into the habbit of updating daily again, after a one week break. Well, my spring break was spent in an area so remote that it didn't have high a speed internet connection. How silly of them. But anyway, there isn't a whole lot to talk about, mainly because my life is boring.
On friday night, my younger brother had a party and invited all his friends, who talked about high school. Which kind of made me nostalgic for the good ole days. Of course, they really weren't all that great, not compared to college anyway. But, still, I look back at them with nothing but fondness in my heart. All that boredom that was high school, and still I remember it fondly. I wonder how I'm going to remember college. I don't know.
Anyway, I saw the oscars tonight. And I'm glad that Spirited Away won. That was cool. And I'm still looking forward to baseball season. And class. And breakfast. Breakfast is gonna be soooo good this term. And hanging out with friends. If you're with you're friends, nothing can really be all that bad. Unless you're friends suck, in which case you're screwed. But, as my friends don't suck, (not even Seth), I'm gonna have one heck of a quarter.
And, hopefully, I'll have a nice night as well. So, good night everybody. See everyone tomorrow, hopefully.
Saturday, March 15, 2003
I wanted to summerize my quarter with one post, that you can all enjoy very much. So, tonight, I read through all my posts this quarter. And I found part of one that pretty much sums up my entire quarter. Now, if you're keeping track of these things, I'll include the post that summerizes fall quarter too.
Fall: Today, I got bit by a mouse.
Winter: "fortunately, [the universe] did not tackle me to the ground, smash my head open with a large rock, and feast upon the juicy pulp inside.
Instead we went through the standard "how's it going" routine that defines so many of our social interactions.
Thank you, and here's to an awesome, awesome awesome spring quarter.
Thursday, March 13, 2003
I meant to do a complete review of my quarter. But I'm too tired. Tired, uggghhh.
And, there is a simple thing you can do when you're tired, and that's sleep. Which I think I'm going to do, momentarily.
I had an old friend over today. That was fun. And cool. And really nice to see her again. And we ate, and did stuff, and things. Fun fun funnery.
Today, walking down the street, I ran into three people that I knew in a row. What are the chances of that happening? Not too good. But it happened. To me.
Anyway, I've got finals today! Yay finals!!! Hopefully, sleep will agree with me, and I'll be able to pass them. Yay passing!! But that's all for now. Good luck on your finals, and see you later. :)
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
For some inexplicable reason, I'm really tired right now. So I'm gonna write this, and then crawl into bed. And sleep. Well, I completed my papers, which is good. But other than that, the day was an almost complete dissapointment. Near complete. So I'm just gonna go to bed, and hope for a better tomorrow. Maybe it won't suck so much. Anyway, I don't really have much more to say. So night. See you guys in the future. Bye!!
Well, I apologize for the complete lack of frequency in my updates. But, its finals week. So my sleep schedule no longer exists. This being the case, I'm not able to write as regularly as I usually am. But, tonight I told myself I would, and I will. But, on with happenings of sorts.
One day, a crowd of thousands gathered around Jesus for some reason (I don't know off hand,) and they had nothing to eat. So Jesus sends out his disciples to get food, and they come back with something like 5 fishes and 4 loaves of bread. I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but its something like that. So anyway, he somehow cuts them up or something, and starts giving it out to the thousands of people. And after he finishes, not only does everybody has enough food, but there was so much left over that they filled something like 12 baskets full of scraps. Fast forward to 2003. I'm running out of meals on my meal plan. Several weeeks ago, I calculate it out to be something like enough for 2 meals per week for the rest of the quarter. So, I decide that the best thing to do is to start going more often. So, I go eating a lot, often with Steffy, Luke or Sylvia. Anyway, as of right now, I have 3 days left, and two meals. I have no idea how that happened, but I guess I can't rule out a miracle. So, thank you Jesus.
Secondly, I managed to come up and invent a theory. Which goes like this: This is the best of all possible worlds. Everything that you think is bad is actually happening to prevent something worse. For instance, I don't have a girlfriend. This is bad for me. However, lets look at the alternative. If I had a girl, that means that somebody would be dating me. And the pain and suffering on this poor girl would be much greater than any pain or suffering I'm in right now. Thus, me having a girlfriend is actually a net loss to all the happiness in society. This theory works especially well to politics. For instance, everybody knows that George Bush is a horrible president. But did you know, that if he wasn't president, Al Gore would be? Can you imagine the mess this country would be in? And if neither Al Gore or George Bush were president, it would be this guy named Ralph Nader. He's an insane communist. He'd have the government running everything into the ground. He'd destroy our country, our way of life, our freedom, and our values. And you know what, some time in the future, somebody will come along who's slighly less horrible than Bush, and then he'll be the next President. And we'll be a little bit better off. So just think about this, next time you vote, you're not voting for the lesser of two evils. You're voting for the least of all evils.
Another thing, look at wife/husband/mistress/whatever. Take a good look at them. First thing is that thats the best you can do. The ultimate best. But this means that you've reached your potential. You've done it, you've won. You're there. There might not be a very good place, but dammit, you've reached it! And its your place. And, as the world slowly but surely decays into hell, just be glad that its doing so at the slowest possible rate.
Umm, I think thats enough for today. I'm gonna go take a shower now, and then write a paper. And think to myself "if I wasn't here, writing a paper, I'd be at a McDonald's flipping burgers."
Sunday, March 09, 2003
The weather mocks me. The world mocks me. It pretends like its spring out, but its really still cold. And dark. Dark like death. It pretends that there's baseball. But its spring training. And after 4 innings, it turns into minor league baseball. And then ends in a tie. It pretends that women like me. Wait, no, I pretend that women like me. But they don't. Well, in the future, the weather will get warmer. And in the future, actual real baseball will start. And in the future, women will, ummm, ummmm, they'll still exist. However, they won't notice that I do. But the Red Sox will win it all this year. Mark my words.
Anyway, I did take a walk today, and watch some baseball, but its not yet spring. Spring, get here dammit! I'm tired of cold weather and exhibition baseball. Why can't everything get better now?
And, while I'm writing, I'll talk about something. I've talked about this before, but who cares. There's a situation that I've seen, that really doesn't make any sense at all. Like one of those pictures that can't actually exist. Anyway, there's this problem, and it must have a solution. However, one of the solutions doesn't make much sense. The other solution makes a bit more sense, but it seems very improbable. So, we're stuck between the first one, which, due to two reasons really doesn't seem like it could happen, and the second one, which I both think is unlikely, and it pisses me off. Now, there are several ways which I could figure this out. Now, the only real reason I want to know this is sheer curiosity. Actually figuring out this problem will do absolutely nothing for me. Whatever the solution to it is, it simply won't help me one bit. Now, I could easily solve it, but the cost of doing could potentially be much greater than any knowledge gained by doing it. So, I'm just gonna sit back here, and try not to think about it. Which I'm absolutely not doing, because I'm writing about it. Poking at open wounds. Oh yeah. But, my one final thought, its all Trebla's fault. Damn him! Damn him to hell! Grrrrr he makes me mad. Why does he do these things to me? Why?
Saturday, March 08, 2003
I hanged out with Steffy and Sylvia today, helped her do her photo project. Bubbles! And then we watched this really weird Anime. Now I'm just about ready to go to bed. So I'm gonna start doing stuff Sunday, and that will be not fun :(. So, hopefully tomorrow will be much better. But anyway, to everyone who's out there, have fun. Good luck on finals/projects/other stuff, and sweet dreams! Night.
Friday, March 07, 2003
I think that I had several profound thoughts today. However, I can't remember any of them. Thats my life for you, the most profound, the least memorable. But anyway, I don't have anything due until Tuesday, so I'll have a fun time this weekend, hopefully. That is, if I can find anybody who isn't doing totally consumed with their photography homework. Well, see you all later.
Thursday, March 06, 2003
Well, another day, another night spent trying to write a paper. I've got 6 and a half hours left. ANyway, all I'm gonna say is that I love the bls, and I hate my computer. Stupid computer, you suck! Wait, don't freeze on me, no, please don't. I'm sorry I called you names, now please forgive me.
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
I'm full. Sylvia is funny. Luke is cool. Homestar runner is a good website. The Red Sox are a much deeper team this year than they were last year. People should never let their political affiliations determine what they think about issues, rather they should let their views on issues determine their political affiliations. Often, politically motivated groups, (such as the ACLU) are more effective than third parties (such as the libertarian party). If matter can never be created or destroyed, the universe must be infinately old. If entropy is always increasing, and the universe is infinately old, there must be infinate entropy in the universe. Monkey has no reason to answer your question. If the cost of fixing a problem is greater than the cost of the actual problem, then its not a rational decision to fix that problem. Often times, figuring out the cost of the problem depends on how long you'll have to deal with that problem. If you don't know this, it is hard to determine whether you should do anything about it. Any game with a talking mouse can't be completely bad. You should strive to be loving, humble, honest, respectful, and faithful. A person should be able to admit to himself who he really is. Some people think when they talk. Other people stop thinking the instant they open their mouth. Each person must live their own life, just because somebody else was successful doing something doesn't mean that everybody should do the exact same thing. There may be universal truths, but there aren't univerally known truths. Its really impossible to determine whether or not somebody is thinking for themselves. There are very few albums as good as Appetite for Destruction. The Wall is one of them. You shouldn't be a conformist, but in not doing so don't become what I call an anti-conformist. Not everything that is worthwhile can be measured, but that doens't mean that measuring things is pointless. Street lighting is a good example of a public good.
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
Well, I was determined to get to bed at a reasonable time today, and dammit, I think I'm gonna do just that.
The only real thing I'm gonna say today is that I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate winter. I don't like it very much at all. And I just can't wait for the spring. The spring will be warm, and sunny. And, although my eyes will feel like they've had gasoline dropped into them, and then set afire, I will still be happier than winter. And they have medicine for that.
So, other than that, I've got papers and stuff to write tomorrow, so that will take up large amounts of my time. But other than that, I'm fine, and I also can't wait for the spring quarter too, that will be better than winter. Night all!
Monday, March 03, 2003
Yes folks, I'm back. I'm definately back, and I should get back to a regular posting schedule sometime soon. But, I've got a lot to say, so let me get down to it.
25On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. "Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
26"What is written in the Law?" he replied. "How do you read it?"
27He answered: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'[3] ; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[4] "
28"You have answered correctly," Jesus replied. "Do this and you will live."
29But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"
30In reply Jesus said: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. 35The next day he took out two silver coins[5] and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'
36"Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?"
37The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him."
Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise." -Luke 10:25-37
"Won't you be my neighbor"
-Mr. Rogers
If you're my age, chances are you have a 2 second attention span. There is a simple reason for this. Seasame street. Look at it for five seconds. You now know the alphabet, and can count to ten. Flash-flash flashy-flashy-bang! C! Cake! Cook! Cookie! Cabinet starts with "C"! No wonder why people my age can't hold a thought for more than three seconds, or pay attention in class. Now, there was another show on kids PBS, one that I always liked more. Mister Roger's neighborhood. This was a nice, slow paced show, that let you relfect on whats been said. I heard the other day the best description of it, which I'll paraphrase: Every other kids programming is a show. Mister Roger's Neighborhood was one person interacting with children, and it just happened to be on TV. There were so many good things that happened on that show, so many ideas that just won't fly today. One important one, which I didn't realize before, was the transition from Mr. Rogers, to the neighborhood of makebelieve. Rogers wanted to separate imagination from reality, and only the trolly would connect the two. I don't think any other kids shows do that. Now, there are a hundred things that I could write about, but they've all been written elsewhere, so go look for them. I just want to say two more things. First, Mr. Rogers is one of the kindest, gentlest people who have ever lived. He serves as an example that we can all live up to. Secondly, and most importantly, if you're reading this somewhere, Mr. Rogers, you've made an impact on my life. As a child, watching your show, and perhaps more, today, looking at you as an example to lead my life by. So, to anyone who's keeping track, you've been my neighbor, Mr. Rogers, and you've inspired me to be other people's neighbors. Thank you, and God bless you.
Anyway, now that I've gotten that taken care of, I'll say a little something about my exploits of friday night/saturday morning. Well now, if you're a sox fan, you know that one of the most famous landmarks in Baseball is the left field wall at Fenway Park. And you further might know that they're building seats on top of it this season, to accomodate a few more people. And finally, you will know that tickets went on sale this Saturday, at 9 am.
Now, if you're dedicated, you might realize that one should go at say, 4am, to get a good spot. And that 6:30 is much too late to start. But, none-the-less, I got in line, in the cold, at about 6:30 or so. Nobody really knows, but I'm not here to be accurate. So there I was, and I was the enemy of everyone ahead of me in the line. All 664 of them. So after a few minutes, I get bored, and start talking to the people behind me. So, we're talking, mainly about baseball, and about how long we have to wait, and what are chances are of getting any tickets at all. So eventually the line starts moving, moves down a few hundred feet, then stops. Then, after another 30 minutes, people come out and give wristbands to everyone, to cement our number in line. I was number 665. The guy behind me goes "hey, I don't want to be 666." But such is life. After another half hour, we go inside fenway park, because they actually want to keep us warm. So, they give us free coffee, sell muffins, and bring in some low level entertainment. Which consisted of Red Sox trivia. Now, who better to answer a question than trivia master and red sox lunatic than your's truly, champion of the "Who wants to be a millionaire" attraction at Disney MGM studios in Orlando, Florida? Actually, I'm sure half the people in the room, who got up at 3 am to stand in the cold to buy sox tix know a bit more about the team than I do. But anyway, so I was there, leaning against a wall, wearing my blue jacket, trying to draw attention to myself by not drawing attention to myself. But anyway, I got the question, which was "Where did the Sox play before they played at Fenway Park." The answer of course is the Huntington Ave grounds, the current day home of Northeastern University. Wow, I think I lucked out on that one. So, I got myself a small bat. Which, I later got signed by two random retired sox players. Woo-yah! But anyway, the rest of the day was spent speculating what the chances of my getting tickets was, and it went up, went down, and went sideways with each new announcement by the ticket guy. Again, such is life. Anyway, by the time it was nearing, it was clear that I wasn't even going to get standing room tickets to a Yankees game. However... They were advertising a nice package, where you buy a pack of four tickets to different games, one of which is a Yankee game, fun! So, I bought two of those, one for me, and one for four differnet friends. So I'm seeing them play Tampa, St. Louis, New York, and Chicago. Not a bad four games. Except Tampa Bay, but hey, I even got 10% off. So, I achieved a mixed victory. Then, I went to bed, where I should go right now.
Well, night all, see you in the big parade that will be held in Boston this October. See ya!
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