Worthless and Weak
You're all worthless and weak!
Thursday, October 31, 2002
You'll never guess what happened to me today. Never!!! If you want to make a guess, please don't read any further, and you can
e-mail me your guess, and I'll tell you if you're right or not. I might even tell you if you're "hot" or "cold."
*SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT* Alright, this is what happened to me today: I checked my
e-mail, as I do almost every day. However, in what is almost a complete first, I recieved an e-mail from a complete stranger (I think. Perhaps its really Trebla under an assumed name. But anyway...) He e-mailed me about a book review I made in my
old web-page! Wow! I didn't know that people visited my old web page. And for every one who e-mails me, there have to be several who don't e-mail me. Anyway, he responded to a review of a book I had on that.
Click here to see it.
*SPOILER OVER* *START READING NOW* Alrighty then. Last Tuesday, I said that I was going to bring everybody up to date on the happenings of my life and my page. So because I forgot to yesterday, I will do so today. So, without further ado, here is my life...
My name is Garrett, and I'm a sophomore at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. The purpose of this web-page is to say a little something about my life, and about my ideas. I have an arch-enemy, whose vial trechery and deviant villany plague my existance. I hate him. It wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't so much cooler, better looking and more intelligent than I am. Ahh, I long for the simpler times when the only enemy I had was Seth, (who is now considered my comic relief enemy, like the scorpion army.) Anyway, I have a plan for defeating Trebla, and it goes like this:
I can't stand a chance against him, but I'm sure that Twisted Sister lead singer Dee Snider would put him "under the blade." Anyway, so I figure that if I get kissed by a virgin I will turn into Dee Snider, and I may then stand a chance against Trebla. (for those of you who are wondering, I haven't yet been kissed by a virgin. By the time I get to actually kissing them, they aren't virgins anymore. (and if you believe that, I've got a bridge in New York that I'd love to sell you)). So, my original plan was to look for volunteers. (if you're a virgin (females only, please) and you would like to kiss me, just
e-mail me). However, I have recieved a new plan. I need to turn a toad into a princess, and then revieve the maiden's kiss. If you have any toads you'd like to send me, you should also
e-mail me. So far, I haven't been able to find any toads in Boston. (Oh well, maybe I'll have more luck during the winter).
So, as you can basically see, I'm screwed. Too bad for me. Anyway, in a seperate matter, I've tried plans A and C, and neither worked. Plan D certainly won't work, and I'm not sure that I can even start plan B. So maybe plan A and a half? Perhaps?
One last note on the update, I really like getting
e-mail. So e-mail me at garyl_2000@yahoo.com and I'll love you forever. I don't care if you don't have anything to say, if you've already said something. I love hearing from people, so e-mail me please!
On to other matters now. First of all, I wish that there was somebody who knew everything, and I could ask him questions whenever I want. But, since that person isn't speaking to me anymore, I'll put it out and see if any of you know the answers. First question: why don't people IM me back when I IM them? Do they have more important things to do? Are they zombies? Do you hate me? I really wish I knew. Second question: how often can you IM people before you get annoying? I want to know!
Now that I'm done with questions, let me say a few things. First of all, a lot of the time, I feel like saying "I hate you all!!!" to the entire world. Whenver I'm feeling like this, I usually yell out "I love you all!!!" and put it on my away message. Well, since I've got a midterm at 9:15 tomorrow, I'm going to bed now, goodnight.
Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Seth Burton, you are officially worthless and weak.
I had lots of fun today at frisbee, my exam didn't seem that bad, (and I'm glad its over with), I got to hang out with Mike a lot tonight, and yesterday night I had a terriffic nights sleep, I don't know why, but I felt great. So all in all it was a simply wonderful day. Hopefully, tomorrow will be so too.
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
I feel like ranting. And you know what that means, when I feel like ranting, don't you? You don't??? Well, just sit back for....
RANT NUMBER 1!!!!! The best way to get me to think a lot is to assign an exam for the next day. I've already invented a new type of tariff, really contemplated the meaning of the universe. So I always think a lot then. Umm, I thought I had more on this rant. On to...
RANT NUMBER 2!!!!! There are three types of people in this world. Those who aren't cynical enough. Those who are entirely too cynical. And those who are both. I'm the third kind. Anyway, today I've come to the realization that I really don't know anything about anything. I lot of what I'm thinking about is my view of the world, and how I like it. Today, I was starting to feel very cynical about the world as a whole. I had to do partially with stuff I read today, but more so on what it takes to succeed in this world. Maybe part of my problem is that I have no real idea what success is. So I'm here, with no real objective, no mission in life, no goals. Just day after day after day. Should I just be content being happy? (am I happy right now?) I think thats a good topic for....
RANT NUMBER 3!!!!! What is happiness anyway? Sometimes I think that I am totally unequiped to live in this universe. That everybody else is better at it than I, and that there should be some other universe that I should live in. Then I think, "ya know, I bet a lot of people feel that way, that they have no real idea of what is going on." So why does everybody else (those people who don't have blogs) seem to have it more together than me? Are they all just faking it? If so, then if we all would be a lot happier if we just came right out and said how we're unhappy, what we're missing in life. That, I think, could really make everybody a lot better off. So are we all here pretending to be happy, and it is the act of pretending to be happy that makes us unhappy. How fucking stupid.
But there's another side to it as well. Can you pretend to be happy? You constantly here about people who seem to have it all together, yet really don't, and their entire life is a sham. And you wonder, can you actually put a bright side on anything, does that really work? I'm of the opinion that the general consensus is that you can't do that. But maybe that's just something that unhappy people say. My problem is that I don't have enough real experience to figure anything out. Everything I know about the world I've learned through movies and bad sit-coms. I need to do something. Anything. So here's to something for me, and a little something for you too. Cheers!! And have a good day.
Monday, October 28, 2002
Today was ok, although a little too short (even though I guess it was 25 hours long). For the third time in four weeks I went to youth group, (you'd think that I haven't gone to college yet), and I had a great time eating and talking to people. So, it was fun. And I got to walk a lot, and it was a nice day.
Today I recieved an
e-mail from somebody who visted my page! Hooraahhhh!!! Now, I know what you're saying "I'd love to
e-mail you, but I don't have the motor skills, opposible thumbs, vocabulary, or mental capacity to e-mail you." To this I say yes you do! My roommates dog (Rex) e-mailed me today, and informed me that he read this page. So, you have to ask yourself, are you dumber than a dog? (that's a trick question btw. There is at least one dog out there who is your supperior) So I'll ask this question: "what is the probability that you are smarter than a randomly selected dog?" So, go to your nearest
e-mail thing, and type in garyl_2000@yahoo.com and you're well on your way to establishing yourself as at least the equal of a dog. There ya go!
Finally tonight, sometimes all it takes to make someboy happy is just a little "Hi". There has been one person who has been very friendly to me, and I'd like to thank her for that. I wish everybody would go out there and just let somebody else know that you care. So in closing, I would like to say "I love you all!!" (even Seth Burton. In fact, especially Seth Burton. You rock the Casbah, Seth!)
Sunday, October 27, 2002
Nice days are so much better than ugly ones. Today was ugly, it rained way too much. I went for a walk, and I got wet. I like being able to enjoy my walks, not thinking about how wet I'm getting. Well, since I started it, my plan to get kissed by a virgin has gone nowhere. However, today I have recieved a plan of action. And I quote: "find a toad, turn it into a princess and cross your fingers that it didn't fuck any other toads." This might just work, however, I don't really know how to determine the sex of a toad. Maybe I'll just continue looking for volunteers.
Anyway, my roommate Seth says he's going to make a video game based on my life. That would rock, but I sort of have the feeling that it will never work, simply because things like that don't often work, and are rarely completed. Anyway, I'm pretty much writing the story, and Seth will computerize it. E-mail me if you want to be a character.
Saturday, October 26, 2002
The Universe is like a video game that didn't come with an instruction manuel, and you have to figure it out as you go along. A poorly written one at that. And I'm at the point where you're in a level, and you have absolutely no idea where to go next, and you keep on searching all the rooms again and again and again, but you still can't figure out how to get out of there? Why doesn't life have a faq?
Well, Trebla is once again the root of all my pains, as I spent the friday doing little, and even the small number of plans I tried to make didn't go out so well. But such is life.
Thirdly, I have become aware of the fact that people are actually reading this page. Now, I'd love it if you would
e-mail or IM me, and I'm wondering why you aren't. I figured that maybe you're not sure what to say. So I decided to write a little prototype letter that you could send me. Just copy and paste it in an
e-mail to garyl_2000@yahoo.com . Please do this for me!
"Dear Garrett,
I just wanted to write you to inform you that I have visited your blog, and have read at least some of it. I'm not going to write alot, because there isn't that much that can be definatively said about a generic viewer of this page. I just wanted to say that I at least partially understand/appreciate your desire to hear from the viewers of the blog, and have taken appropriate measures in e-mailing you to insure that you know that I have at one time or another read your webpage.
Sincerely, (your name here)"
If you're looking for additional things to put in there, you could talk about what your favorite part of the page is, what you generally think of it, or other thoughtful comments. I'll even welcome hate-mail. Finally, there is a survey located at the first week of the archives, if you want to look at that and send me the answers I would be generally appreciative. You can also tell me how you found my site.
If e-mail isn't your style, you can always choose you IM me, my aol instant messenger screen-name is garylogn, and I enjoy talking to just about everyone. So, don't be shy!
On a final, more serious note, I would like to offer my prayers of thanksgiving for a mostly successful end to the hostage situation in Moscow, and my prayers and condolences to those who didn't make it out alive, or were otherwise hurt in the situation. May God be with you all.
Friday, October 25, 2002
Well, its getting late, and I've got things to due.
First off is the very first Wassalism reported on this site...
'I really don't get this. Yesterday, I had a class here at 9:15k, and then again at 10:30. Later that afternoon, I remembered that I left my sportsjacket, which is worth about $200, and two pieces of yellow chalk. I immediately went to see if they were still there. When I got to the room, I discovered that the jacket was right where I left it, but the pieces of chalk were stolen.'
-Prof G "people are willing to pay more for front row Celtics tickets because you can tell Jason Kidd that he beats his wife, and he'll hear you" Wassal.
On to other matters. Luke noticed that he was put down as a foot-soldier in my army, and asked me to rectify the situation immediately. Luke is now officially a stupid peon, in my ever expanding army of stupid peons named Luke. Keep up the good work, Luke!
If I could be anybody, I'd really like to be the Dell guy. If I were he, I would say "dude" before everything. Like "dude, you're getting mustard on your face." Or "dude, you're getting a Dell." Anyway, if you're reading this, Dell guy, you're welcome to a high position in my army (somewhere above Luke but below me).
It happened again today. I was talking to some kid in my Stats class (Ian, I think his name was), about the exam we just took. (he screwed it up mildly, or I screwed it up majorly, one of the two). So afterwards we introduced each other to ourselves, and when I told him my name was Garrett, he said "Not Garrett Logan!!" And I was like, "ummm, yeah?" And then he said "You've got to be kidding me! You're Mark's little brother? I've got to tell everybody that I've found the little Logan." That's what he thinks, I'm the medium sized Logan. I think this is time number 4 or 5, I'm going to start having to keep track of this.
Thursday, October 24, 2002
Just a quickie because I want to get to bed soon. I've tried plans A and C, neither worked much, plans B and D don't seem like I can even start them. I'm going insane, and you probably aren't helping any. Had an OK day, but its getting cold out. I hate the cold. TV consumes your soul. Later.
Wednesday, October 23, 2002
I feel like getting to bed earlier tonight, so I will. I'm having a really good week so far, I like so many people. I think that I realized that I really can't hold a grudge, even if I want to, which is an awesome weakness. Beat that Trebla, I bet your weakness is probably something like an extreme fondness for seafood, or something. Not a cool weakness, so there! But, other than having a good start to a week, nothing much has happened. I've got an exam Thursday, I hope that goes well. Other than that, a pretty normal week. Oh, and I might try a plan later, perhaps plan A, perhaps plan B. I've already tried plan C, and that did nothing whatsoever, (it didn't think it would). Plan D would rock, but I've got no idea how to start it, without going through either plans A or B. Anyway, I'm being both too talkative and cryptic, so I shall move onwards.
Well, I feel that it would be a good thing to reintroduce my blog every so often, and to summerize what is going on in my life. Therefore, I will reintroduce stuff every Tuesday night, so you don't have to go through my entire archives to find stuff out.
To start off, I'm a student at Northeastern University. The goal of this blog is to show you all how worthless and weak you miserable fools are. But all I really do here is tell you about my life, in a cryptic fictional sort of way. I've got an arch-enemy named Trebla, Lord of Theivery. He's out to get me! My short term goal in the battle against Trebla is to get kissed by a virgin. If you want to know why, either a: ask me, or b: look through my archives. Either one might do.
E-mail me!
Tuesday, October 22, 2002
I'm back in Boston, the greatest city in eastern Massachusetts. So, you must be thinking that Monday's are horrible, and no good could ever come from a monday. You're wrong, I've had a great day! First of all, somebody idolizes me. Wow, thats cool. Too bad he can't spell my name. His page is
here. Well, I guess that he's just the first foot-soldier in my war against Trebla, Lord of Theivery. Take that!!
Now, learning that would make a good day, but it gets better. I had good classes, and Billy Harmon made my day by leaving me a message. I wish more people would do that, cause it makes me really happy when that happens. Finally, I annoyed one of Seth's friends by telling her one of my classic stories with no point, (but they're just not as good over the net).
One last note, Luke, you need to change the format of your page, its confusing people. And you need to learn how to spell my name. Thank you.
Sunday, October 20, 2002
Well, I'm still here at my parents house, and will be so for tomorrow as well. But onward with my story. So, today I watched Seinfeld. Very funny show. It was the episode where George did everything against his instincts, and ended up with a high paying job with the Yankees and a new girlfriend. Which got me to thinking, why don't I try that? I mean, I could try and do things the opposite of what I normally do, see if that gets me anywhere. So, I was thinking, what should I do this week. And then it hit me: I can't do the opposite of what I normally do, because I don't normally do anything. Now, one might say that I should do anything. Good, but thats not specific enough. I mean, I could do anything. Think of something. Chances are, you're thinking of something that isn't nothing. Well then, maybe I should just do random things, with no reasoning behind them whatsoever. Then I thought to myself, I really don't want to become Seth Burton. So, I'll just be myself, eventually thats got to work. Till next time, goodbye!!
Saturday, October 19, 2002
I'm at home, with my family. Families are great. You may think that your family sucks, that your parents are either clueless, stupid, or jerks. You may not like your wife. Your kids might disrespect you. But you share something special with your family that nobody else has. I don't know how many times my older brother beat me up, or my parents grounded me, or my little brother annoyed me, or anything else. But I love them all, and I wouldn't trade them for the world, because they are always there for me, if I ever needed anything. And, more importantly, they love me, and I know it. There's so many people out there who I don't know what their deal is, what they really think of me, or anything. But I konw my family, and thats great.
Now to people who aren't my family. These people can be a little bit trickier to deal with. Right now, I'm confused. Am I reading too much into things? Am I not perceptive enough? Maybe I should just relax, and see what the world has in store for me. Maybe I should confront people, and see whats really going on. Maybe I should be slick, and figure out whats going on without anybody else knowing it. Maybe I should go to bed. Goodnight.
Friday, October 18, 2002
Well, I was busy for most of the day, yet I don't feel like I've actually done anything. Such is life. I guess I did classes, another class, homework, more homework, TV, class, frisbee, and more stuff. Not a whole lot. Then we spent a lot of time tonight preparing for the exterminators who are coming tomorrow, to make up for how Nate clearly failed. On Friday, I'm going home to my parents for the weekend.
I have reason to believe that Trebla may in fact be a werewolf, although I can't actually be sure. Anyway, if he turns out to be a werewolf, well then, I guess I'd need a vampire on my side. Where's Mickey when you need him?
Thursday, October 17, 2002
Today, I discovered a way that I might challenge Trebla and win. You see, as Garrett, I am weak, and unable to do anything of much consequence. However, if I was Dee Snider, things would be different. Watching the music video, one can see how the helpless kid becomes very cool and powerful after he turns into Dee Snider.
Now, this got me thinking, "how do I go about turning myself into Dee Snider?" Then, it hit me! In the Anime "Bastard!!" a small kid gets turned into a wizard. The wizard's name?... DARK SCHNEIDER!!! (you see the resemblance in name between Dark Schneider and Dee Snider, no? They also kind of look alike) Anyway, so the way this kid gets turned into Dark Schneider is by being kissed by a virgin. So, I figure that all I need to do is get kissed by a virgin, and BAM!!! I'm Dee Snider, and I'm "not gonna take it anymore". (or if you prefer, I'm "gonna rock".)
So, if there are any virgin girls out there who wouldn't mind kissing me, just step right up.
Tuesday, October 15, 2002
Today, I was planning on introducing the rest of the characters in the low rated sitcom that is my life. Yesterday, I introduced Trebla, who I'm sure my entire existance, (or at least blog) will be dedicated to fighting. Today, you'll meet some other people, allies and foes alike.
But first, my day. I had jury duty today, and I basically sat in a nice room for several hours, a guy telling us that we need to be back in the room in 15 minutes at 30 minute intervals. Then we were informed that the defendant in the only case had been trying to plead guilty over all that time, so we could all go home. How fun. The actual case was very very complicated, all I can say is that it involved a 63 year old woman, a get rich quick scheme over the internet, and a bank that makes "cheap" 10% interest rates to seniors. I have no idea what she did that was illegal, but it took her over 3 hours to figure it out. (and that is entirely true)
But, on to more important matters. Today, during ultimate frisbee, I made perhaps the greatest catch I've ever made. I was being covered by a pretty good player named Andrew, and the frisbee was thrown to me. Because he was in front of me, I tried to go towards the frisbee (so he couldn't intercept it). I slipped, and was on my knees, the frisbee coming towards me, and Andrew running towards me at a high rate of speed. I threw my arm up, and somehow managed to get the frisbee instead of him, which made it a really good catch. However, Andrew kept on running, and I kind of ducked (I was already down at this point) and Andrew just ran into me, the upper half of his body continued at its current speed, but the lower half stopped. He did a sommersault over me. Then, I got up and threw it for a touchdown. Oh yeah. That was definately the best catch I've ever made. I also did some other cool things that game, like skin my knee by diving on the track, and catching a few hard to catch frisbees.
Of course, now is the moment that you've been waiting for. I shall introduce more characters of the short story that is my life.
The fellow denizens of my abode:
Seth: (this is the RA seth, not the other Seth) Seth is a very mysterious person. He comes and goes as he pleases, and sometimes I don't see him for days. He spends most of his time elsewhere, and when he is in rarely talks to me or my other roommates. He may be in league with Trebla, but is more likely completely neutral in our struggle. Based on what I know about him though, he may be willing to make a temporary alliance with Trebla, or do some work for him in exchange for a reward of some sort. I consider Seth many times the suppior of me, (although still nowhere near Trebla's level) and I believe he might be a wizard.
Seth: (this is the other seth) Seth is not my arch enemy. He is the comic relief enemy. For instance, if you've ever played Secret of Mana, Trebla would be the empire, and all their evil things. Seth would be the scorpion army. He is a bigger fool than I, (which is saying something) and therefore I don't give much credit to his evil plans of evilness and stupidity. Some interesting things about him are that he is completely irresponsible (the day we moved in, he lost his keys, and we had to spend several hours looking for them). He thinks he's much smarter than he really is, and most of his plans go poorly, with huge messes left behind (which I sometimes have to clean up, which is about the worst thing he can do to me). He has hair approaching Anime preportions, which can get scary. He would never allie with Trebla willingly, however I am certain that Trebla could use seth against me if he so desired.
Nate: Nate is a squire from New Hampshire, trying to become a knight, by capturing or killing a mouse. If he does so, he will win the effection of his fair maiden, as well as the respect from his countrymen. And he'd get a cool sword. Other than that, Nate is pretty cool, he spends most of his time here sitting around his computer, either working on school work or trying to get his computer fixed, or reading or playing the guitar. I don't think that he is allied at all with Trebla (although I'm not entirely ruling that out) and, when we first arrived, gave me what was surely a priceless holy relic (an ethernet card) which helped me get the internet working on my comp, which was clearly an evil scheme of Treblas. So, if I have to trust somebody, Nate has both the moderate intelligence and has displayed virtous qualities (he is after all, trying to become a knight). So, of all my roommates, I probably like/trust Nate the most, despite the fact that he is a pinko-commie. I view Nate as my slight supperior.
Mice, rats, cockroaches, ghosts, and other unwanted fellows: Our room has at least some sort of vermin (which of course, Nate is trying to kill/capture) Anyway, we haven't seen them in a few days, which probably means that they are just learning how to hide better. The vermin were perhaps sent by Trebla, and I can easily see how he could use them against me. I view whatever infestation we have as about twice as superior as Nate, which would put it well beyond me.
Thats all for today, tomorrow I will perhaps introduce more characters.
Seth is sooo stupid. He makes up big words to make himself look smarter.
Today was a nice day out, it wasn't raining at all. So I took a nice long walk, and had some fun with that.
Anyway, let me explain something about my world to you. I have an arch enemy, who is much smarter, stronger, faster, more devious, more cunning, and better looking that I. He also has huge numbers of minions to do his bidding. I don't know what all his goals are, or yet if anybody is set in stopping him, however I do know that he wants to see me suffer! And I know his name is Trebla, Lord of Theivery.
Anyway, I have 2 confirmed actions against me. First, on Saturday, I was walking through downtown boston, minding my own business. I came to an intersection, and waited for the ligth to change. Out of the blue, two women came up to me and asked me directions. Thus, I was distracted, and then immediately a car sped around the corner, through the puddle that had gathered by the curb, splashing water all over me. I am certain that the two women were his minions, as well as the driver of the car.
Secondly, AIM at northeastern has been down. This is obviously his doing, although I don't know how he did it. And I know that he had specific reasons (which I unfortuneately cannot divulge) to do this. Finally, I think he has something to do with the
viking kittens! Oh! What a foe am I up against.
PS. Because AIM is down, you can't contact me through it, so either e-mail me, or post stuff on your own blog sean.
Monday, October 14, 2002
Led Zeppelin will tour again. Wow. That is incredible.
Anyway, I'm having a fine day, I saw a movie today, and had some general fun. Yay for general fun. He's our best General.
Umm, I've got jury duty on Tuesday, which will be something, (it will get me out of future jury duty.) See you all later!
Sunday, October 13, 2002
Today I feel Wertherless and weak. (or perhaps it should be Wertherful?) Anyway, it would have been alright if Ultimate Victory did not happen today. But alas, it will never be. You see, I had all the arangements met, my fleet has cleverly positioned itself near the planet, cloaked, waiting for my orders to attack. We had the date set, and were awaiting one last scouting report, and then we would claim victory.
I had no reason to believe that the scouting report would bring anything new into the picture. But alas, I read it with a tear in my eye, and a heavy heart. The one thing I feared most, that which cannot even be named, happened. And, as it stands, Ultimate Victory is impossible. The thing that I have spent more of my time on than anything else, the thing I have dreamed about will never be. Never.
So here I am, waiting to plan my next move, which will ultimately be fruitless? Shall I make a last ditch, attack, and go down in a blaze of glory? Shall I bide my time, and wait until things change, and my ultimate conquest becomes reasonable once more? Or shall I simply abandon my plans, and my dreams, and see if there is some other planet worth conquering? Some other universe which shall be governed by me?
So I shall ask you, what you would do if you were in my place? Go down in a blaze of glory, being true to what you promised yourself, perhaps leave the battlefield with some dignity? Would you wait it out, which will give you the best chance of actually succeeding? Or would you leave for other goals, which cannot be as good, but perhaps more winnable? Please,
e-mail me, or IM me (aim sn = garylogn).
Saturday, October 12, 2002
I hope you're happy. Really, I hope that whoever you are, you're happy. Far too many people aren't as happy as they should be, so do the world a favor and smile. :) So go out there and do what you need to do. Ask that guy/girl out. Live (for today, for tomorrow? I don't care, just live), and live life to its fullest. Like the saying goes, "If you had only one day to live, who would you call, what would you say, and what are you waiting for?"
Anyway, all this advice is cliched and overused, and probably won't help you out for long. And, as I'm well aware, you can't be happy 100% of the time. No one can. And you won't do yourself a service by being happy all the time. But I think that chronic happiness is a much better disease than chronic depression. Anyway, my point of writing this cliched post, isn't to be obnoxious, but rather to cheer you up if your feeling blue.
Anyway, this week has been frustrating and aggrevating for me on a number of different levels, for a number of different reasons. So I'm glad that its over, but I don't think its going to be getting better any time soon. But who cares? All around me people have reasons to be happy, which is why I wrote this. So for all you people who should be happy, go forth and be happy!! And ya know what? I'm sure that if I looked long enough and hard enough, I could find that reason to be happy. Well, good-bye and good luck.
Friday, October 11, 2002
I should be sleeping or doing homework right now, but I'm not. Oh well. 3 day weekend coming up!! Yay!!!
There are small creatures in our apartment, and I don't like them there. Nate is on a quest to rid ourselves of them. I suggested that we just buy mousetraps, or perhaps we could use the game? So many options. However, if he succeeds, I shall knight him as Sir Nathan of Lee, Slayer of Mice. If not, he'll continue to be a stupid peon.
On to other matters. I think a good way to view the world is to start off believing that everyone is much smarter than you are. Especially mice and cockroaches, as they are much smarter than even Nate is. And, I've got a new saying. "If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking, and then you will succeed." Good quote no? I stole it from one of the three stooges (I think it was curly).
Thirdly, I've realized that there really aren't very many open minded people. (I wouldn't exactly call myself one of them). So I challenge you to be open-minded, and critical of yourself. I could talk about how other people need to be open minded, but my time would better be spent being openminded myself. (or for that matter, doing homework).
Finally, because I feel like writing today, honesty is the most important quality to me. I want you to be completely honest and frank with me, and just screw politeness. So, if you're reading this, I wouldn't mind you actually telling me what you really think of me. However, I won't be completely honest with you, (unless of course, you want me to. however, you might not like what I have to say. or you might? only one way to find out).
Until tomorrow, goodnight and god-bless.
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
Sometimes I feel like a million bucks. Sometimes I feel worthless and weak.
I've got a feeling that this weekend will come and go without any mention of Ultimate Victory. And there is absolutely nothing that I can do about it. But I'm going to press foreward anyway, because I think that this weekend will give me the best, (maybe only) chance. So, here's to the coming weekend, and its possibilities. And, although I may get discouraged from time to time, I'm not going to give in! Never!
So, like an ancient Spartan, I'm going off this weekend, and will come back with my shield or on it. I just hope that there is a battle to be fought.
Tuesday, October 08, 2002
I heard on of the most beautiful things that I've ever heard today. Something that really made me smile, and made me think. Because I'm not a good writter, I won't put it here, but talk to me, (AIM screenname = garylogn) if you want me to tell you exactly what it was. Twitterpated is a very good word, people should use it much more often.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to make God laugh.
Billy Idol rocks, in a way that not many other people rock. For the life of me, I can't think of a single person who rocks in the same way that Billy Idol rocks. Of all the 80's rock stars, I can't think of a single one that was quite as cool as Billy Idol. Sure, Dee Snider, Eddie Van Halen and Axl Rose all rocked, but none can match Billy Idol. None.
That being said, I had a nice day for a monday. Starting out with some ok classes, relaxed a bit, and then went to a birthday party. A fun time was had by me. And I got to explain a bit of stuff about our debt, and why part of it is foriegn. Woooooo!!!!!! Economics!!!! Well, until tomorrow, goodnight.
Monday, October 07, 2002
So, today I got up, finished doing dishes, and stuff. Then, I called home and it turns out that my old friend Dan Olsen is premiering his first music video today at Jordan's furniture in Natick.
So, I got on the train at Back Bay station, and then went to West Natick Station, where I waited for my parents for about 15 minutes. After they showed up, we met my older brother, Mark, we went to Legal Seafoods, where we ate. Then we headed over to Jordan's Furniture.
Now, if you've never been to Jordan's furniture in Natick, then its really hard to explain it. Its a furniture store. With an I-Max theatre. Think about it. Anyway, so I mingled with a bunch of people there, (who I mainly know from church,) and had a generally good time. Then we saw the video, and it was pretty good, although the lighting in the place was bad (althought that really wasn't anybody's fault).
So, I guess I'll just wish Dan good luck with the Christopher house. They really need to get some presence on the web. Anyway, all I can tell you about the Christopher house is that there is a dancer in Canada named
Christopher House, and logic would presume that Dan is trying to clone him. Good luck!!
Sunday, October 06, 2002
There are four things I'd like to do tomorrow. I'm not sure that I'll have time to do all of them. I probably won't end up doing any of them, but I guess I'll try and make an effort. This raises the question, how many of these do I need to do in order to make the weekend successful? None I guess, because its really hard to fail a weekend.
Anyway, my weekend was already great, because today I just wandered around the city of Boston. Yeah, I know I spend all too much of my time walking around pondering the meaning of the universe, and not enough actually doing stuff. But I bet there are a lot of people who wish they could simply walk around and enjoy the day. The secret to the universe is being able to stop whatever is going on in your life, and just walk around enjoying how nice of a day it is.
Finally, I didn't achieve victory today, but somebody else did. Lets here it for the Aneheim Angels, who won their first playoff series ever today, as they beat the Yankees three games to one. They're one step closer to their ultimate victory. (Although I'm still picking the Braves to win it all.)
Thats all for now, tune in tomorrow to see what I actually accomplish tomorrow.
Saturday, October 05, 2002
I'll try to make this short. My two roommates are leaving for the weekend, which means I've got the place to myself. Now if I only had anything to do. I spent a lot of time with my friend Mickey tonight, we watched X-men and then ate, and talked a lot.
I'm gonna try and get up early tomorrow, and do stuff. So I've got to get to bed now, and hopefully I'll have a good weekend. I hope that you'll have a good weekend too.
Friday, October 04, 2002
First of all, if you haven't read yesterday's questionaire, please do so, and respond to me. Since 100% of the responses I've recieved said that I should update every night, I'm going to try and do that. However, I've been trying to write for about 15 minutes now, and can't get more than a sentence out about things that I've spent all day thinking about, so I apologize if there isn't enough good things to read here. Thanks.
Now, I don't want to use this blog to complain about how pitiful my life is, because I'm sure that you don't want to hear about it, and there is nothing more useless than feeling sorry for yourself. But I'm going to do so anyway. Now, for those of you who aren't part of the intergalactic conspiracy for conquest (ICC), you might not know that our current goal is ultimate victory. Now, you may not know what we mean by ultimate victory, which is ok, because you aren't supposed to know. But, like all things, Ultimate victory is much easier on paper than in real life. We had it all planned out, all we need is an opening, an opportunity. Based on my experience, I felt that the opportunity would present itself shortly after I've moved to Boston. And, in the worst case scenario, it would take a little while, and then I could choose whatever time I wanted it to proceed at.
But alas, it didn't work that way. The opening hasn't happened yet, and it looks doubtful for some time to come. And so here I am, spending all my time planning for an event which I have know idea when it will happen. I recognize the problem now, that there is a rythem to the universe, one which changes from time to time. And its changed on me, and is still in the process of changing, the rythem isn't set yet. Foolishly, I assumed that the rythem would be the same as it was in May, and so now, once the rythem restablishes itself, as whatever it may be, and I have my finger on its pulse, then I can continue with my ultimate victory. And one last thing, I know that the rythem must change, that it can't beat the same song for too long. I don't like it, but I'd be a fool to think that I can change it. But it may be my greatest advantage, and perhaps ultimately the cause of my defeat. But whatever happens, I am totally committed to the ultimate conquest, and I simply won't walk away from it. I will stand in either victory or defeat. I may need to be patient, and I may need to be determined, and I may need to grasp the first opportunity the moment it shows itself. But I can, and I will, do all those things.
Wednesday, October 02, 2002
Well, I was thinking what kind of stuff I want to put on this page. So then I thought to myself, why not ask the audience? So, if you will, please answer some questions for me. You can reply either by
email, you can IM me, (my SN is garylogn) or tell me in person. So, without further ado, here are the questions I want answered.
1. How often do you want me to update this page?
a: Every day, no matter what you must update this page.
b: Only when you have something interesting to say, I don't have the patience to read through all your drivel.
c: Not every day, but try to post on a regular bases
2. What kind of content do you want me to post?
a: Just talk about your day/week, interesting stuff that happens to you.
b: Talk about your views on land reform and the designated hitter rule.
c: Make up weird, fictional stories about what went on in your life and present them as fact.
3. What sort of writing style do you want me to have?
a: Simple and to the point.
b: As wordy as possible (like my first entry).
c: Like natural writing.
4. Do you have any interest whatsoever in my political views?
a: No!
b: You crazy?
c: Definately not.
d: I'd rather listen to Barbara Streisand talk about politics.
5. How did you stumble upon this site?
Now, if you don't like those questions, you can tell me anything you want. And if you have an answer other than a b or c, feel free to tell me. I'll listen to anybody about everything. That even includes Seth Burton (and you can quote me on that, if you want). Thanks for your input! :)
Tuesday, October 01, 2002
There is a movie coming out in October, call "The Ring." Apparently, the plot of the movie is that you see a video tape, and then 7 days later you die. It sounds very corny, but apparently it was done very well. Anyway, some of my friends saw a special sneak preview of it the other day. So, seven days after you see the video, a TV will randomly turn on, and show parts of the video, and then you die.
So, my roommate, Nate, had an idea. When my other roommate, Seth, walked into the room, he would hide in his room and use the remote to turn on the TV. Scary, no? Anyway, we decided to go a bit further, and we downloaded the trailers from the internet, and then spliced scenes together in order to create a movie like that. So then, we burnt them onto a VCD, which plays on our DVD player. So then we invite a friend over (who has seen the movie). When he walks in, on of us stands in Nates room, and turns on the tv and starts the DVD player with the video in it. Thus creating a terrifing effect.
However, there are some things that kind of went wrong. Mainly, none of us can act. Especially not Seth, who we elected to be our main actor. Please, don't ask. Anyway, the first person we tried it on, Mickey, worked ok. He was scared at first. The second person we tried it on didn't go quite as well, he kind of caught on when Seth didn't react or anything. Oh well, once the actual movie comes out, we'll pull it on everyone and everything. Anyway see you again tomorrow, I'm off to bed. :)
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