Worthless and Weak
You're all worthless and weak!
Saturday, November 30, 2002
Well, tomorrow I go back to Boston. I accidentally called it home today and my mom became distressed. Well, I won't even be there for a full week, and I'll have a lot of stuff to do there, but I'll have fun in Boston. Anyway, yesterday I got to see my little cousin Charlie! He is so incredibly cute, I can't believe it. That was definately the height of my week, seeing him again. He grows so much each time I see him. Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to see him again over Christmas break. I've been doing I lot of secret stuff this week, but I cannot publish it here for fear of it leaking to my enemies. So, if you wondering "why didn't Garrett write about xxxxx," its because I don't want certain people to know about it. Anyway, hopefully tomorrow I'll be back to writing large entries, but this is it for tonight. See you all later! :)
Friday, November 29, 2002
Happy Thanksgiving. I love thanksgiving. Basically, you quit doing whatever it is you're doing, eat massive amounts of good food, and sit on the couch and watch football. What better possible holiday is there? It isn't overcommercialized like Christmas is, (although one must note that by Thanksgiving we're already being bombarded with xmas ads and the like), and its a great time to get together with your family. The real purpose, of course, is to take time out to be thankful for things. So, I'm going to take this time to count my blessings.
First of all, I am thankful for my family. My family is simply fantastic. They are always there for me, and most of all I know that they all love me. I know it, without any doubt, and I am incredibly thankful for that. In a world where you dno't always know what everybody thinks of you, and where everything isn't exactly as it seems, its great to know that there are four people and a dog in this world who unconditionally love you, no matter what. So thank you very much, family!
Secondly, I am thankful for my friends. My friends are all great people. Many of them really make an effort to show the world that they care, and many of them make specific actions to cheer me up. So thank you all!
Thirdly, I'm not going hungry, and I'm not poor. Now, I'm not exactly the richest person in the world, but I do have many things, (and access to many things) that many other people don't have. And, althought "things" generally don't make you happy, I am lucky that I have what I have, and I should be thankful for them
Fourthly, I have my health. Which is good.
Now, there really are more things that I should be thankful for. I know that I am so blessed, and that the number of friends I have who I know really care is outstanding, and I am incredibly thankful for them. But one more thing that I'm perhaps more thankful for than any other is my future. I have a futrue ahead of me. I really don't know what will happen to me, nobody is, but I know that I have one, and that anything can happen. And that mystery, of finding out what lies ahead is one of the best things in life. So, here's to everything that we all are thankful for. A great society we live in, family, friends, and above all life itself. I know that in my life I have so much, and I just want to tell the world or God or whatever gave it to me that I really am thankful, and that my life really is great.
Thursday, November 28, 2002
I went home today, for thanksgiving. Its good to be home with your family and everything, although it can get boring quick. So, I'm at home, and I really don't have a whole lot to talk about. I didn't do a whole lot before I came home, I didn't do a whole heck of a lot afterwards. Mainly, I just hung out with my brothers, and had a pretty good time. But other than that, my day was pretty ordinary. I'm waiting for Thanksgiving tomorrow, which is always a nice day. Hopefully, I'll get to see my cousins and stuff. And it will be a nice meal tomorrow, so everything will be fine. So, speak to you then!
Wednesday, November 27, 2002
Well, its time to pack, and get ready for thankgiving! But not yet! So, here, in no particular order, are the meaningless things that happened to me today.
The internet is actually run by animals, and you do certain things to the animals, and how they act changes what is on your webpage. Thats what I learned today.
Trebla is out there, devising his devious schemes, schemeing his schematic divisions. And I'll be damned if I'm going to fall into them. Anyway, letting go of stuff can be worse than you think it is. When you let go of your past, do you let go of your soul too? Don't know, but I'm feeling things that I think I shouldn't be feeling. Not anything serious or anything, just makes me stop and think what my objectives and goals are, and realize that they are definately not what they were five months ago. But, in any event, there are things that aren't important to me, and I don't know why. I don't know if this is good or bad yet, but it is certainly weird.
For a brief moment in time, two people named Megan owed me something. Now thats down to one girl named Megan, and I'm not sure if I'll ever get it. Funny though, I don't even want it. Its completely useless, I just sort of want it because its mine! MINE ALL MINE!!!
Tuesday, November 26, 2002
Ahh, I just want to say that I feel happy right now. I'm not sure how long that will last, but right now, I'm happy. And I owe it all to a very cool cat. You are so cool. Anyway, my sleep schedule is really messed up. Anyway, its just about time for thanksgiving, which means school is almost over. (EEK!) Which I guess I'll have to really put an effort into procastinating. Earlier today I messed up and actually did work. stupid me!
Monday, November 25, 2002
Nothing of any interest happened today, so I really don't have all that much that I can write about. However, tomorrow will bring perhaps the biggest event in all of my life! Perhaps perhaps perhaps! Perhaps not, but who knows? Not I! Anyway, I can't wait for this quarter to be over, but I don't particularly want to start any other quarter. Oh well, such is life.
On to other business. Luke, you've been promoted! You are now no longer a worthless peon/court jester. You are now a level -0 yellow mage. Thats right, negative zero! I bet you thought such a number didn't even exist. Anyways, this is just the first step. The more you serve me and my cause, the more that you will be promoted. Good for you!
Thirdly and finally, I'm thinking of what to get everybody for christmas. So, here's the deal, if you tell me what you want, you're chances of getting a gift are greatly increased. There's only a few people who I already know what I'm going to get. So, give suggestions. Or don't get gifts. Anyway, the other part of that is that I need to tell people what I want. I really don't want all that much.
I had trouble figuring out what I want, so I brainstormed a few ideas. Success? Presige? Good-looks? Gift certificates to McDonalds? Victory? A walking tour of Boston? World Peace?
I decided against all these things, no matter how nice they sound. What I really want this Christmas is to be knighted. I can imagine it now! Sir Garrett Of Westford, slayer of Trebla and hero of the people!
Anyway, like always, this Christmas will not be about the material things, but rather about being with your family, and reliving all your past Christmas's that you so dearly enjoyed. I can't wait to eat cookies and decorate the tree and drink eggnog and hear huge amounts of Christmas Carols. Yay Christmas, its the most wonderful time of the year. But anyway, it isn't even thanksgiving yet, so I still have some time to wait, even though I can't!
Anyway, have a happy thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 24, 2002
Tonight, my friends. I didn't sleep at all. And I'm going to eat a nice breakfast! YUM! Hopefully, I can reset my sleep schedule by going to bed at about 9 Sunday night. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep myself awake through it all.
On to other things. First of all, I'm not as confused as I used to be. Yeah clarity. Secondly, Seth has peaked. Seth, old buddy old pal, its all downhill from here. You've already reached the pinnacle of your existance, there's nothing in the future that will compare to it. (you know what I'm talking about).
In Tarot cards, death means change. This is because the readers can't predict that you will die, because if they do its very easy to disprove them. Anyway, so death symbolizes change. Am I the only one who finds this silly? Life means change. Your life isn't what it used to be. It has changed, it will change, its changing right now. And, I have come to the realization that you can't hold on to everything. Living is the art of letting go. Everything that I've ever held onto has changed, and I have had to have learned to adapt. I guess that I'll have to realize that things change, and not everybody will be exactly the same people that I learned to love.
I remember the first time I learned that lesson, in Jefferson City Tennesse, at Carson-Newman college. I was on my third mission trip, and the composition of the group changed a lot, and the general attitude was incredibly different. And I absolutely hated it. It wasn't the youth group that I fell in love with, it wasn't the youth group that I knew that I wanted. And I fought it for most of the week. Finally, one day I just realized that things changed, and I accpeted that change, and I felt much much better about the trip. And I think that I learned a valuable lesson, one that I'll learn again and again and again.
Saying goodbye is totally opposite my personality. Whenver I find something good, I just imagine that my entire life will be spent doing it. When I first joined the youth group, I imagined that I would spend my entire high school years in it, continue with it while I was in college, and then gradually become a leader, until I'm an adult. I'd grow old, and still go with the group. I was entirely ready to dedicate my entire life to something after only a little bit. Anyway, thats just my personality, I never think that I'll leave something when I join it.
So, you might be wondering what I'm going to say goodbye to. Nothing really, I just think that at this point in my life, I need to look to the future, and not be constrained by my past. So, here's to the future, perhaps it will come tomorrow!
So, go in to the future! Remember the past, but prepare for tomorrow, and have a nice day!
Saturday, November 23, 2002
Luke, you are now officially Worthless and Weak. Its official, there's nothing you can do to change it.
I feel slightly confused. Thats how I feel. People just do things to confuse me, like say things that don't make sense. So please stop confusing me.
Well, yesterday, we had quite an event. The 100th visitor to his page, since we kept track. It is none other than a certain Seth A Burton of 407 Huntington Ave. Boston, Massachusetts. And how about we tell Seth what he has won? He won $0.25, a mention in this blog, and an automatic entry into the "GL person of the year award," which recognizes the one person who has had the greatest/best impact in my life, this year. The nominees will be announced on December 9, and the winner will be announced on December 28. So Seth, you are currently the only nominee, so I guess that gives you a leg up on the competition, no? Well, good luck to all the contestants, as they compete for the grand prize (a $5 gift certificate to the establishment of your choice). If we get 500 visits before the 9th, the 500th visitor will also be nominated, (as well as win the magnificent prize of one hundred cents).
Well, I will apologize, but there's really not much more in the world of Garrett to report tonight. Tomorrow could bring anything, and who knows what it will bring. Perhaps something important. Perhaps something fun. Perhaps something silly, maybe something exciting, maybe something that will make my life much much better.
Friday, November 22, 2002
Well folks, I've done it. I've discovered Trebla's secret identity. I know, and knowing is half the battle. Anyway, Trebla's really handed me a few defeats recently. But, whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger, and as a result of these defeats I've learned much much more about who and what I am up against. I've also found out some of the weaknesses of Trebla, chief amoung them is that he cannot dance. Now, he finds the very notion of dancing silly, and beneath him. But he'll never know the simple joy of dancing to the music in your heart. That, I believe, is my greatest advantage. I'm screwed. Seriously though, one of these days, Trebla will realize that all this time I've been in the right, and I cannot wait to see the look upon his face when I triumph. Patience is one of my greatest virtues, and no matter how much Trebla attacks me, one day I he will make a mistake, he will misjudge a situation,. And that one mistake is all that I will ever need. About dancing. I'm a horrible dancer. But the fun you get from dancing is totally unrelated to your skill level. So, if you see me dancing, you may laugh at me. But know that when I dance, I am happy.
Anyway, now that all that is over with, I shall move on to more serious subjects. You have friends that you hang out with, and then you have friends that you haven't talked to in months or years, yet would be totally willing to trust that person with anything. If you haven't got one of those friends, you don't know what you're missing. If you have got one of those friends, you probably take him/her for granted. But every so often, you realize just how incredibly great these people are. So, here's to Megan, one of the greatest people I've ever met. You really really mean a lot to me, and I'm incredibly lucky I have a friend like you. Thank you, you're awesome. And you really made today a whole heck of a lot better! :) :)
Thursday, November 21, 2002
Today was a good day, although it could have been much better. But again, I guess any day which you don't win the lottery, have a date with a supermodel, cure cancer, get a promotion, save a kids life, and climb a mountain could be better. Anyway, none of those things happened to me today, but it was still better than normal. It was a really nice day out, and I had an exceptionally long walk today, which was exceptionally enjoyable. The "party" that Seth had been organizing for the past couple days fell apart and then came back together. Basically, Mickey came over for Hamburgers, and then left, and then Luke and Todd came over and hung out, then used my computer to play starcraft for a few hours. So it was a good day.
Last night, I had a really cool dream. It was one of the coolest dreams I've ever had, ranks number two out of dreams that I've had this year so far. But anyway, it was like a movie, it had a plot and stuff in it. How cool is that, and I want to see it again! I wonder if it will come out on DVD soon. Anyway, so it "starred" Steve Martin as a man who recently checked into a hotel with his friends/relatives (the dream wasn't too clear on that point), and he was investigating some sort of occult conspiracy. So he's uncovering some sort of occult plot, and each different person has some sort of different perspective on this plot. There was one person who was claiming that some ancient queen would be reborn, and it would rule/destroy the entire world. I wasn't too clear on all the details, but I was sure that something occult and evil was going on. And all the people in the hotel were really weird, especially this one guy. He was dressed like a punk, with earings and all, but whenever he smoked, his earings would light up. Very scary. Anyway, as the dream went on, more and more of the "normal" people kept on leaving. People like the friends/family he came in with, and other people who weren't in on any conspiracies. They slowly left. Then, at one point in time, he meets some woman, (Halle Berry), who is the assistant of some professor guy, who also wants to find out the occult conspiracy. But for some reason, he doesn't like the Steve Martin character at all, for some reason he won't join forces.The Steve Matin character and the assistant then fall in love, and she abandon's the professor guy, I guess. Anyway, the movie kind of reached a climax, when something was supposed to happen (I think the ancient queen was returning), and all the weird people started to act even weirder and stuff. The main character was separated from his newfound love, and was basically being attacked by all the other weird people. Finally, he ran into the guy who's earings lit up when he smoked, and he was acting normal. So the Steve Martin character ran up to the other character, and then they were surrounded by all the weird people. And Steve Martin was like "we should team up and see if we can get out of here." But the other guy said no, because he said that the Steve Martin character was one of them.
Then, it kind of faded out, and you found out that the hotel was actually an insane asylum, and that all the conspiracies and occult stuff was actually just paranoid delusions, and the guy with the earings who smoked worked there. And all the family/friend people left because they weren't insane, and they brought him there for his own good. It ended, with the main character and his new girlfriend (the Halle Berry character) sitting on a deck in the asylum, discussing whether or not they were really insane. The girlfriend said that she might just be, but that she wasn't as insane as some of the people there. Then, some really insane guy came in, and tried to shoot himself, but he didn't have a real gun, only a radar gun.
Anyway, if it were real, it would be a great movie. It has action, suspense, intrigue, romance, comedy, and an ending that would blow you away, if I hadn't just told you about it. So, if anybody dreams this tonight, and is like "I totally know how this is going to end, damn I wish Garrett didn't give it away" then I apologize. But, seeing that you probably won't dream that, I think that I was justified in telling everybody that.
On to other matters. My brother got a job!! Wahoo!! Go Mark! Manage those clusters!!! I have actually no idea what he will be doing, but I'm sure that its vital to the importance to the survival of the human race. Go Mark!!
Did I mention that it was an incredible day out today, and that I totally loved it. Hoorrah for incredible days. I love them. Go nice weather.
Anyway, goodnight to everybody, sleep very well.
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Tuesday night means reintroduction night. So, let me reintroduce myself. My name is Garrett, I am an economics student at Northeastern University, and live in Boston, Massachusetts. I enjoy reading, writing, and thinking. I don't have a girlfriend, I'm kind of in between the state of looking and not looking. Basically, I'll evaluate anything that comes my way, but I'm not actively pursuing anything. Or, if you prefer, I've given up all hope. I'm a christian (Presbyterian, if you want to be exact).
I love getting
e-mail. So please,
e-mail me, my address is garyl_2000@yahoo.com . You can also IM me, my aol instant messenger screenname is garylogn. So please, contanct me. Write about your life, comment on my page, ask me further questions on anything. Also, even if you don't want to e-mail me, you can just tell me that you see this site, in any way that you want to. Thank you all very much.
I have an Arch-enemy named Trebla. He is very evil, and one of his major goals in life is to torment me. As I have said already, he is quite evil. Anyway, he has an assistant named Megan, who also tries to torment and terrorize me. My only hope in beating him is to be kissed by a virgin and transformed into Dee Snider. I'm still looking for a virgin. So please, fight the forces of evil and volunteer, if you're a virgin.
I'm writing a book. I do about a paragraph every day or so. Nothing that will ever get publish, or anything that is good at all. Just something that I can put some of my time into.
That just about sums up who I am. I'm sure that I've forgotten something wildly important, but oh well.
Anyway, I totally got hit in the face twice by the same kid in frisbee today. I guess its ok, because each time he did so, I made a great play. (one on defense, one on offense). So, I wasn't really mad or anything. I just got a 100 on my Stats quiz, which makes me quite happy. Other than that, nothing really happened in my life. Come to think of it, nothing much ever really happens in my life. I mean, its pretty boring, and half the time I have to make stuff up to write in here. You think Trebla is a real person? Nope, just something I made up in order to fill space in my blog. So there you have it, I'm a boring boring person. Oh well, in the words of the great Lazlow "beats digging sewage ditches outside of Kuala Lampur." Words to live by, Lazlow, words to live by.
(I was just joking, Trebla does in fact exist. This was all just a ploy by me to get him to think he doesn't exist. If I can get him to doubt his own existance, why then, he must just give up.)
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
The good people at Best Buy are now considered Worthless and Weak, due to their incredible lack of knowledge about Whitesnake, as has been described to me. If the people of Best Buy wish to clear their name, please contanct me.
The Universe doesn't make any sense. I've slept from 8 to ten hours everyday this weekend, and I always woke up tired, like I could use more sleep. Last night, I got about 3 and a half hours of the good stuff, and I woke up BEFORE MY ALARM, and I was wide awake. I don't get it!! Universe, you're starting to fall apart.
Which brings me to my next point, if I should happen to wake up before 5, I'll go outside and watch the metior shower. If not, then I'll dream about things that need to be dreamt about. I'd like to see them, but it would be much better if they were at 1am, instead of 4am. Oh well, I woke up at about 7:15 today, which I consider pretty much impossible. I figure I have about as much chance waking up at 4:45 tomorrow. (this is under the same concept that I have about the same chance to win $10,000 in the lottery as I do 10 million).
Slowly but surely, I'm making progress on my book/novel/story. Its about four pages now, which means that its four pages more than when I started it. I just take a random 15 minutes to an hour, and write until I feel like stopping. I make sure to do it at least once per day, (I have a lot of "boredom" time) and so its coming out.
Thank you Melissa for introducing me to Greshak. He's quite a swell fellow, if you get to know him. Anyway...
I love helping people study, it makes me feel smart. Too bad the unlucky individual who I helped will fail her test, due to my "help."
"Umm, where did you come up with this notion of the returnable reinvestment productivity index? It doesn't exist."
"I got it from an econ major here, Garrett."
Umm, he failed after the first week of freshman year. How do you know that scum anyways?
"Umm, I've got to go."
(the preceding was a dramatization of my friend failing her econ midterm)
There are only a few things in this world that really annoy me. One of them is obnoxious people, especially when they disagree with me. Ever watch PTI? I can't stand to watch 15 seconds of it before I get pissed off at how those people are opinionated jerks. The second is stupid online tests. Find out what .... you are. They are completely pointless, and you shouldn't have a blog which only has these results on them. Now, I'm being completely hypocritical when I say this, because I'm very much a "to each his own" type of person, and whatever you want to put on your page is none of my business. However, there is really no point in telling the two people that view your page everything that you are. What kitchen utensil are you? What Babylonian God(ess) are you? What type of woodland animal are you? Guess what, I don't care, and neither should you. These are completely pointless. So please, don't waste my time or yours, and leave them off your site.
Anyway, that being said, I would like to thouroughly apologize for the previous remark. I was totally out of line, and I'll try and make sure it doesn't happen again.
I'm noticing that most of my entries now no longer have one central theme, they just ramble on and on about stupid, incosequential things. I wish they had a unifying theme. But what can I do about it?
Anyway, goodnight to everybody who reads this blog in the night, goodmorning to everybody who reads it in the morning, and good afternoon to everyone who reads this blog in the afternoon. And anybody who doesn't read this can just burn in hell.
Monday, November 18, 2002
This weekend has been a non event. It might as well have not happened. There's always next weekend, and I might just get lucky before then. But, I don't even need luck, because I've got a plan. If you read through my archives, for long enough, you'll find an entry about the rythem of the universe, and how it shifted away from where it used to be. Well, I think that it might just be shifting back in a favorable direction. And I know just what did it. I dare not tell it here, lest it fall into Trebla's hands. However, I cannot be lazy, I must realize that there is much to be done yet, and the universe can start dancing in any direction. So dance, universe, dance! The rythem of the universe shall change yet again, and soon enough, I may not be on top, but I'll be back in the game. Hee hee!
Anyway, I've got nothing much else to say, so I'll just stop all your suffering and stop very soon. So, I'll wish everybody a goodnight, and I hope that you've had a great weekend, and all your football teams won.
Sunday, November 17, 2002
Today was perhaps a bad day. Bad in that it had no reason to exist. Or perhaps it did. Perhaps, through the long hours of doing nothing, I actually managed to do something. And, for some strange reason, I think that maybe I won't have to wait until February before things pick up. Perhaps that might just happen. Perhaps, my life will take a turn for the better. One never knows. And maybe I just might pursue an active policy in making it better. I shall try my hardest to do that. I might just fail, but I will try.
Trebla is a very smart, crafty man. He knows just what buttons to push, and how to make me think I'm going insane. But, Trebla, as I've told you before, you'll need to work even harder to fool me. I know your plan, you want me to make a rash move without fearing the consequences of your actions. Then, you'd step up and make me look like a fool in public. I know your plan! And so, Mr. Trebla, I ask that you would stop this foolish charade. How about we meet in person, and settle our differences like gentlemen. You know that you're my superior, and that you, for all intensive purposes, have already won. You know this, I know this. What, you ask, do I wish to do in this meeting? Simple, I would like for us to reach some sort of an understanding, or, barring that, simply understand each other better. We might have differences that will seperate us forever, and we may be fighting each other for all time. But that doesn't mean that we can't view each other as human beings. I despise you, Trebla, but that doesn't mean that I don't respect you. You're a human being (or so I think) and we are both members of a civilized society, and as such we should act the part. So, please consider sitting down like gentlemen and discussing our differences in a civilized manner: i'm sure that both of us will be better off doing it.
Thirdly, sometimes you really don't need many words to make a point. I think that yesterday's post is an example of that. Six words completetly summarized my entire day, and, in some regards, my entire life. Which is why I think that it is perhaps my finest post.
Fourthly, I haven't told a good story in a long while. Perhaps, tomorrow, I shall. Tomorrow!!!
Anyway, I should be getting to bed soon, so goodnight to everybody who's going to sleep.
Saturday, November 16, 2002
Friday, November 15, 2002
Today, my friends, was a good day. Better than average. The weather definately had something to do with it. It was a really nice day out, and really nice days rock. So I got to take a nice walk and get away from school/apartment, and I like getting away from those places, especially considering the fact that the last few days have been rainy, and therefore I wasn't outside as much as I wanted to be. Anyway, so I got outside today, and that was great. I hope the weekend is just as nice. I suppose I could check the forecast, but I won't bother. (the only time I ever look at the forecast is to see what the temperature in Green Bay at gametime is going to be.) But anyway, I had a nice day. Also, classes were also better than average today, for whatever reason.
If you keep any sort of journal, I suggest you read through it from time to time. It helps you remember stuff, and thats really the major reason I write this. Anyway, you might even find a clue that you've been overlooking! I found one of those today. Now I have a motive, I know why somebody hates me!
Who knows what tomorrow will bring? I sure don't, but I'm reasonably certain that I'm happier today than I was just two or three days ago. Hurrahh for happieness!!
Finally, today my novel had a big break through. One whole page. Tomorrow, I might break the 1000 word mark, (I'm currently at about 970). Well, in about 10 years or so, I'll have an actualy real book, although it will still suck. I guess I just need to be a bit more disciplined. Like just say "lunch will be spent with a grilled cheese sandwhich at my computer writing my novel." But maybe thats not good, because my entire book will probably be about which kind of cheese is the best. Wait a minute!!! I smell Pulitzer!! That is, if I don't win one for my blog first. I mean, one of the best selling business/self help books of all time is about cheese. so maybe I'm not quite as crazy as the man in the white coat says I am.
Well, I'd continue typing, but it's time to put on the straight jacket!
Thursday, November 14, 2002
The universe does a very poor job of conforming to my wishes. Stupid universe. Nothing ever go's according to plan, at least for me. I don't think that I have a huge number of wants, but almost all of them aren't met. (there's a reason for that. You don't want things you already have. If I was to actually sit and count my blessings, I would find that I have just about everything I really want). Anyway, the other part of the equation is that I don't do a good job of conforming to the universe. So, one might say that the universe and I weren't made for each other. But, the one thought that I've had this year that has been more powerful than any other thought I've had, is this: maybe, the universe was actually made specifically for me. Maybe I'm living in the best possible world. Think about that, it might just blow your mind.
Good night everybody! Sleep well, and dream happy happy dreams. And know that people care about you.
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Tuesdays are update days at worthless and weak. Every tuesday, I like to reintoduce myself to the readers of the blog, especially those who might just be reading the last couple of updates and want to know more about me. So, to start off I'm a sophomore at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, studying economics. My name is Garrett, I am a friendly person, and I enjoy conversing with just about any people. I was born in Pennsylvania, but I spent most of my childhood in Wisconsin, and later in Massachusetts, where my family currently lives. I'm a christian, I enjoy science fiction, anime (current fav = dragonball) and I spend most of my time pondering the meaning of the universe.
Now that you know who I am, I would like to invite everybody here to e-mail me at garyl_2000@yahoo.com. I love getting e-mail, and, unless you're one of the few people who have actually taken the time to inform me that they read the page, I would appreciate it if you would let me know. And, even if you've already told me, I'd still love getting another e-mail from you, because I like getting e-mail. Especially when its not ads. I just put on a site meter the other day, and can now see which individual people are viewing my page. So, I would like to welcome my old high school friend Seth here, and the mysterious person from Belgium (vermin?) Please stay a bit, I update every day.
Now then, on to whats going on currently in my life. Well, I'm fighting a campaign against Trebla, perhaps the evilist man in the world today. His sole goal is to watch me suffer. He is sadly my supperior, and it he is currently holding all the cards. I do, however, have a plan for combating his trechery and most villianous villany. First, I must find a frog, or toad. Then, I shall tranform that amphibian into a beautiful princess. After that, the kiss of that former frog virgin princess will release my true form and transform me into 80's rock icon Dee Snider, whereupon I shall be at least the equal of Trebla. Anyway, I haven't been able to find a toad that will easily be transformed into a princess, so my other option is to just find a virgin who will be willing to kiss me. So, if there are any virgins who would like to kiss me, you can just e-mail me. Now then, I have an update about finding a virgin!!!! I actually had somebody volunteer. Now, before you start breaking out hte champaign, there are a few things you might want to know. First of all, this individual has already proven herself the agent of Trebla, and therefore I don't trust her. Secondly, it is a well documented fact that in order to work, the virgin basically has to kiss me on the lips, not on the forehead or cheek, as she offered. This is about as genuine as Sadam allowing weapon inspector's into all but a few areas in Iraq. Basically meaning that it is purely a symbolic gesture, sacrificing nothing while trying to maintain the look of cooperation. In short, you'll have to get up earlier in the morning in order to get me to trust one of your minions, Trebla! Anyway, I realize that some of my readers might be disapointed that they aren't virgins, because they really want to kiss me. So, because I'm feeling generous, I say that I'll allow just about any female to kiss me. Aren't I a great guy!
That about raps up my weekly restatement of who I am, so now onto the events and thoughts of my day. So, nothing much happened to me today, only that it rained a lot, and therefore I don't think anybody went to frisbee. If it were summer, or I felt generally better, I think that I would have gone to frisbee, alone. But, its not, so I stayed home and watched cartoons. Go Goku!!!
Well, I've been toying with the idea of writing a book. Now, I've tried writing before, and I usually can't get past a couple of pages before hating the entire idea of the book. Now, I think I've figured out a way to actually get to a reasonable size before quitting. My secret is to have no plot, and shallow one dimensional characters, that I won't be afraid to get rid of. Whenver I don't like how something is going, I will just get rid of whatever I don't like, be it a character, a place, or whatever. And I won't need to worry at all about my nonexistant plot. So far, I've got about two paragraphs, and I might write just a little bit more before bed. So, goodnight everybody, hope that you're tomorrow is at least as good as today was.
Tuesday, November 12, 2002
First of all, I was going to start with a short though process about government spending, but it soon became one huge amount of words, so I'll put it at the end, so you don't have to bore yourself with it.
Now, on to my life. First of all, I have found a very funny site, and I think you should all visit it.
So click here!!!
Secondly, there is an issue that I really wanted to resolve today, but I never got the chance. Grr!!! This really annoys me, but I really can't do anything about it. That doesn't mean that I have any excuse for not doing it, but anyway. Grr!!! (two grrs in the same paragraph, I must really be mad).
Thirdly, there are other things that I've been putting off, and I need to do them soon. But I have nobody to blame but myself for these, however, the upside to this is that nobody really cares but me. So, it all evens out in the end.
I have lately began to have my faith in humanity slowly restored. I always thought that people are basically good, albeit idiots. However, I'm beggining to see that people might not have been as stupid as I thought they were. So bravo humanity!
Finally tonight, I'm ever so slowly delving into politics. Now, I have previously made pledges to myself never to go into politics on my site. So, before I start into politics, I want to explain what I've got against politics, and why I have decided to start today. For starters, I used to be a little boy with all the answers. I knew exactly what was wrong with the world, and exactly how to fix it. I was just about ready to get my own talk radio show. However, I came to the realization that I'm not the smartest person in the world. That there should be honest disagreements, and that I don't necessarily know all the answers. Now, this doesn't mean that my opinions have changed at all, or that I have become less intense in holding those opinions, but it does mean that I have become open to the fact that my opinions are just opinions, and I should challenge them. I have also seen that I have yet to convince anybody anything, anybody who would listen to anything I have to say is either a: already agrees with me, or b: is my oposite, and is just waiting to get into an argument, and his opinion cannot be changed. So, therefore, I believe I should spend more of my time listening and thinking, and less of my time yelling. So, for the next part of what is probably my longest post to date, I don't mean to yell, or to even convince you of anything. I was simply something that got me thinking, and I'd love it if you would think about it, and perhaps send a thoughtful
e-mail to garyl_2000@yahoo.com. I must warn you, I will not respond to any "flames." Send them if you must, but they won't have the same effect that an intelligent e-mail will.
Delving into political issues, I will attempt to prove, through the use of logic, that the generic liberal platform, and the idea of a wellfare state, are bad ideas. Now, please keep in mind that this is purely an exercise in ideas, I don't want to say that anything here is conclusive proof of anything, only that I think this is an interesting thing I thought of, and I would like to share it with everybody. So, without further ado, here is my argument.
First of all, I'm going to define what I call the "liberal platform." It is the idea that a government should tax its citizens in order to provide non-public goods, such as health-care. I will define the conservative platform to be that government spending should only go towards public goods, such as roads and defense, which a person cannot be prevented from using. Now, lets look at it this way. When dealing with roads, a person cannot be prevented from using a road. Its pretty much open, I can drive a car on a road, and nobody is going to stop me. (there are of course exceptions, such as toll roads, but for the purpose of this argument I'm going to ignore those). Health-care, on the other hand, a different matter altogether. If I'm sick, doctors/hospitals can refuse to treat me if I can't pay. Exactly like a grocer can refuse to give me food if I can't pay, or a landlord can evict me if I fail to pay my rent. Now, with all of these things, the government isn't needed. Now, in a world without government, one could say that there would still be hospitals, apartments, and grocery stores, because all those things can be paid for by the individual. Roads, however, wouldn't exist to the same extent. It isn't to any individual's advantage to build a road, only when society as a whole comes together and builds a road are there advantages. Now, again a group of individuals coming together might not work, because of free loaders, who would take advantage of everybody else's contributions toward the road fund. Therefore, I say that it is reasonable for the govnerment to pay for things like roads, defense, street lighting, etc,, while it is unreasonable for the government to pay for things that the individual can pay for, like education, health-care, or new cars.
Some people could argue that some things should be considered public goods, because by helping less fortuneate people, we are reducing crime or helping the economy, and therefore these things should be considered public goods, as everybody benefits from them regardless of whether or not they contribute towards them.
Up until this point I haven't made any real contribution to anything. This is all well-known economics. Now, let me wander off in my own direction, although it will take me away from the realm of economics.
The argument for public education and healthcare is a simple one. People should be entitled to those things, they need them to live in a society, and we should, out of the goodness of our hearts, give them those things. I agree with that, however, I question the role of government in those things. There is absolutely nothing stopping me from contributing to a chariety, or doing work myself that will help individuals less fortuneate than I. Now, you might say that there wouldn't be enough donations. However, I contend that there would be exactly the right amount of money going towards the charities. Each person would give what he or she thinks is the right amount, for the right charity. Thus, there is no danger of the govnerment overtaxing the people, and the amount that we give to charity is the exact amount that society in aggregate believes should be given to charity.
Now, the counter-argument is that people aren't good enough citizens. That we are inherently greedy/evil, and therefore need to be told how to behave towards others. This may in fact be true, we, as human beings, are pretty terrible people. However, aren't the people who would be recieving the tax money just as evil as the rest of us? So, one might argue that the government can only have a mandate to give to charity if humanity is evil. However, the government shouldn't give things to evil people, and therefore they can never have a mandate to give "to charity." Now, one might argue that the second part of that is invalid, that even if people are evil, they are still human beings, and have rights and such because of their humanity. Now, this is getting very abstract, and is therefore very hard to deal with completely logically, but I will try anyway. Now, you can say that humans deserve rights in one of two ways. First, because we as a society give them those rights. Secondly, that there is some universal thing that is bigger than humanity, a universal moral code, if you will. Now, speaking to the first instance, as society we would be giving these people charity in the exact amount that we believe they are human, in the method that I described before. On to a universal moral code. Let's ask ourselves, why would the government do a better job of adhereing to the univeral moral code than humanity?
Well, as you can see I'm taking a quick break to start a new paragraph, seeing that I haven't started one in a while. Logically, assuming that there is a universal moral code(which, because I'm using it a lot, will now begin to abbreviate using UMC), lets look at the role it plays in government. Now, government is run by people, either through democracy, and elected officials, or through some sort of a non-democracy, but as always the government is in some way run by people. Now, if we assume that people are evil, we can see that government's would be just as evil. In a democracy, there would be no reason for people to vote for good. If they are selfish, they would just vote their pocketbooks. In non-democratic governments, chance plays more of a role. So, we should ask ourselves, is there any instance that a government would attract rulers who are better at conforming to the UMC than other govnerments? Certainly, we can say that there are a few of these. Theocracy, for examply, would probably attract the best of society to become its leaders. However, other forms, such as military rule, might attract less attractive members of society to the ranks of government. Now, I'm going to ask a different question, what is the chance that such a government will exist. Now, we can assume that if people are evil, then they will be either working against or neutral towards creating a government attractive to the UMC. Therefore, the chances that any random government will be better than society cannot be higher than the chances that a government is worse or equal, unless of course the universe is structured in such a way that the UMC plays a role in deciding what the government is, either through direct intervention, or through the structure of the universe.
Now, I'm going to stop arguing shortly, because I have a feeling that this could go on all night. So, I shall end this argument saying that if the UMC directly effects the government, then it can be scientifically studied, and until we have scientific evidence saying one thing or another, we shouldn't subsidize healthcare, or education.
Now, to summerize my position, society can determine the amount of resources that need to go towards charity without government intervention, and government cannot reasonably and repeatedly do a better job than individuals in conforming to any universal moral code, and therefore there cannot be any reason to support government funding for a non-public good.
Monday, November 11, 2002
Well, there are at least two things, probably more, that I want to say tonight, and I guess I'll get to saying them.
First of all, I noticed that a few more people are viewing this site. Now, its great that you come here and read this stuff, and apparently, some of you even come back. This is great. However, I would love to hear from you. So, the next time you see me, in person or online, tell me that you view this blog. You can also tell me how often, I like all sorts of those things. Or, if you prefer, you can e-mail me at garyl_2000@yahoo.com. I love getting real live e-mails. Also, you can IM me, (my aol instant messenger screen name is garylogn ). So please, let me know that you read my page, it helps me decide what to write, etc etc. I guess some of you like stalking me, and observing me without letting me know that you view this page. I guess you people won't e-mail me, but honestly, I really wouldn't care if you are, so don't be afraid to e-mail me. Finally, I like hearing from complete strangers too. So, if you're a complete stranger, you can also contanct me.
Now that that's out of the way, I would also like to encourage all of my friends who have blogs/webpages to link to me. I'd appreciate that a lot.
Next up, sports. Green Bay could clinche their division as early as next week. Thats what you get when you play in the same division as Chicago, Detriot, and Minnesota. Three bad teams and one good one make a pretty boring division race, but as a Packer fan, I'll take it. Secondly, did you see some of the other games this week? Falcon's coming back 17 points against the Steelers to tie the game, and then two blocked field goals in overtime. I'm guessing that doesn't happen much. The Pats/Bears game was also pretty good, watching the Pats come back 21 points in the fourth quarter. Good football this week.
Reading blogs is kind of weird. Almost like Memento. Rarely do you go into the archives and start from the beggining when you first find an interesting blog. Normally, you read the latesest entry, and then go backwards. Like the movie Memento, only not as interesting.
My roommates have yet again proved that they are not as intelligent as a common mouse. They believed they cornered him into a closet, yet when they finally opened the closet, it was gone!!! I tell you, the mouse if much smarter than all three of us combined. Maybe if I get it some cheese, it will study with me. Anyway, I just want to take this time to publicly announce that I am allying with the mouse, and I recognize it as my new leader. I'm sure he'll do much better than my former leader. Take that, Tappan!!! All hail mouse!!
Finally, we're slowly progressing on the game. Nowhere near anything, but I'm kind of getting the hang of drawing stuff. The only problem is that I can right now only draw different variations of the same person. I can change the color of his pants, shirt, hair, and shoes. Thats about it. Oh well, hopefully I will begin to develop better drawing skills.
Now, good bye to everyone, and good luck in all your endeavors, except those that will negatively effect me and my plans. Those, I wish ill-luck upon. As to who would wish me ill will? You know who you are!!
Sunday, November 10, 2002
Well, I spent so much time working on the video game that I almost forgot to update my blog. Almost. Haven't missed a day yet, and I don't plan to. (now, if I could put this kind of determination into something productive). Anyway, while working, me and Seth had our first creative difference. Will it ever be solved? My positions are that a: robot's are gender-neutral, and that a pink robot is female enough. You don't need anything else. Anyway, hopefully we'll come to some compromise soon enough.
Anyway, its on to other topics. Two kind of funny observations. Its funny how reading a single person's weblog can restore your faith in humanity. Not really, but I did stumble across one today, and it made me think. Secondly, ever see something that you've seen a thousand times, but see it in a completely different light? Today, as I was walking next to the Christian Science Center reflecting pool, I saw the Prudential Center. I must have seen it a hundred times before, but something about it was different, and I just stared at it for about a minute, trying to put my finger on what about it was different. I don't know, but it was different enough to make it strangely beautiful. So, my challenge for you all today is to see something different, look at it in a completely different way. Or really take a good look at it for the first time ever.
Saturday, November 09, 2002
Hello Universe!! How are you doing today? Myself, I could be better. Every barrier that ever seems in my way seems completely impossible. Then, when I can't clear them, I'm afraid to do the easy thing and just ask for help, I simply ignore them, and hope they go away. Thats my biggest flaw, the total inability to come to terms with my problems, and it'll probably do me in some time. But, I know that when I really really really want something, and its important to me (meaning that I feels important to me, not everybody tells me how important it is to me) I'm willing to confront and overcome my fears. Too bad that doesn't happen more often.
Anyway, typical friday for me. Not much happening, hung out with Luke for a while. Lukes a good kid, although he isn't the smartest person I've ever met. Anyway, this weekend will be a typical one, probably. Anyway, I have a new idea, that I stole from somebody else. Fool, if you post your ideas on the internet, they will be stolen and used by people to compete with you!! If you haven't figured it out yet, the world is a zero-sum game. Whatever I have you can't. Whatever you have I can't. Thats why I hate you all. You're all nothing but obstacles in my way, and once you are all gone, why, then I'll be the indisputed ruler of the world, because there will be nobody to dispute it!!!!
Sorry about that, I get carried away sometimes. Anyway, if I get a chance in the near future to do it, I might inform you all of its success/failure. Anyway, I wish you all a great night. Have fun.
Friday, November 08, 2002
Anyway, today my good friends, nothing much happened to me. So, let me talk to you about video games. First of all, as you may well remember, my roommate is creating a video game about my life. I still want to ask the permission of several people before I put them in, but hopefully they should agree. If I haven't asked you, feel free to invite yourself into the game, (even if I've never met you before), I'll find some place to put you. Anyway, its got a vague plotish thing right now, and hopefully we can expand it to the point where we like it. So, I still don't think its going to get done, but what the hey, I might as well have fun as it is.
I remember the first time I ever played GTA3. Fun fun fun. I stole a cop car, right away, and from there I never turned back. Anyway, so Rockstar games is coming out with the next GTA game, Vice City. Naturally, I want to play this game. I was already pretty much sold in hearing a brief description of it, basically a bigger and slightly better GTA. Tonight, however, I saw something that totally blew my mind. The music in that game includes such artists as Thomas Dolby and Twisted Sister!!!!! Awesome!!! I need this game!! Need it! Need it!!! Maybe Christmas...
Anyway, I was watching TV the other day, and I saw an ad for a video game featuring a few squaresoft looking characters, and a few disney characters. I thought that they were actually advertising multiple games at first, but no, its just one game. So, tonight (because I had nothing better to do), I looked it up at Squaresoft.com . It actually looks kind of cool, it basically takes final fantasy, and puts it in a totally disney environment, with traditional disney villians (Jafar, Ursula, etc). It also aparantly has a few guest appearances by old FF characters, (Tidus, Squall, Cloud) and the like. Anyway, I think I'd really really like it if I was 12, but it seems fun for people of any age, however, I'm not going to spend 40 bucks on it.
Noctis V still isn't out. Grrr!!!! Alexander the Great basically conquered the known world while he was still in his thirties. The designer of Noctis didn't though, and it isn't looking like he'll conquer the world any time soon. Slacker! So, if you're reading this, please note that I am disapointed in you, you Noctis Designer and Programmer you!!
Finally, Megan, you can't fool me. I could carry on this disscussion, and prove to you that you are an agent of Trebla, but that's just what you want me to do. I won't fall into the trap that you're setting. So, you can just forget about it! (Note to Megan, you'll be in the game, as an enemy!!!)
Thursday, November 07, 2002
Hello. Yesterday, I forgot to welcome our next governor, Mitt Romney, and next next governor, Kara Heely, if the pattern of republican governors leaving continues. I personally am giving Mitt about 5 years, until he decides he'd be much happier as the ambassador to cuba.
Now, today I was looking at random people's blogs (on www.blogger.com). And I noticed that a lot of people were commenting on the election, and how much they hated it. Now, I hate people who talk about politics, because they are all wrong, and only I'm right. How in the world can people have thoughts other than mine? I just don't get it, its obvious that I'm right, and that anyone who disagrees with me is a complete fool. You fools! Anyway, so there are a lot of people out there who think they are a lot smarter than they really are. And, furthermore, I am definately one of them. I can easily see myself posting here about how great/horrible the election was, etc etc. Now, even though I know and feel that I am right, I'm not going to get excited about it. Using this page to become Rush Limbaugh isn't good for me. (Dee Snider is another thing altogether though). And I think that realizing this has helped me in my endless quest for humility. I feel that I definately have more perspective on the world, and better understand it and my role in it than I did one and a half years ago, for instance.
To put my position in a better form. Its very hard to become a completely neutral observer. If you are paying close attention to a sports game, for instance, you will probably find yourself starting to cheer for somebody. Therefore, the more you care about politics, the more biased you will become. Now, when you have strong beliefs, and you wish to convince other people of those beliefs (whatever that accomplishes), you will find yourself in an argument. Now, if you talk entirely in theory, that might be OK. But sooner or later, you're going to be defending/attacking a politician you like/dislike. For instance, if I generally agree with Bush, I might find myself defending him from some democrat. I personally have found that in defending Bush, I lose any voice I might have previously had. I can now no longer form my own thoughts, I have to defend Bush, regardless of whether or not I agree with him. I have just found that its a good idea to avoid political discussions altogether.
I am constantly trying to become more humble, and I think that one of the key's to that is perspective. I need to realize that I don't always have to be right, or for that matter loud. Sometimes, its better to listen. Furthermore, I really don't think I should be getting mad about many things. Anger can be useful, if it drives you to action. But if it doesn't, there really isn't any use for it. Reading about lots of things angers me, and whenever I get myself angry I begin to lose my principles, and whatever reasoning I might have had. Anger isn't good for me. So, in conclusion, I try to remain calm and quiet about politics, which is why you won't see any political scathing from me. If you really want to know my political views on a subject, either e-mail me or IM me. (garylogn).
Now that that is out of the way, on to other things. I just want to let everyone out there who might read this blog that I consider myself a friend, no matter who you are. If I am your arch enemy, if I've never met you before, whatever, you can trust me. I can keep whatever you say confidential, and will continue to respect you, no matter what is going on in your life, and no matter what you have to say. The reason that I'm saying this is because I want to be your friend, and everybody needs somebody sometimes. So, if you don't have anyone to go to, or you don't/can't go to the people you normally go to, or you just want to talk or whatever, I'll be there. Peace.
One final note. Two of my friends are doing great. So, to you two friends, I say go out there and conquer the world! (you might just know who you are).
Wednesday, November 06, 2002
I've got several things I need to say tonight. First of all, its a Tuesday, and you know what that means, don't you?
For those of you who don't know, every Tuesday I like to take a little time to reintroduce myself to any people who might have recently found my web page. So, my name is Garrett, I am currently a sophomore at Northeastern University in Boston Massachusetts, studying economics. I'm 19 years old, I'm "available" (which probably means undesirable), and I like to think I'm a very friendly person. This blog is basically here to show you all my daily life, and my endless struggle against my evil Arch-nemesis, Trebla. All I can tell you about him is that he is evil, he hates me, and that he has numerous operatives. I do however have a plan to defeat him. First, I know that Twisted Sister lead singer Dee Snider is at least the equal of Trebla. Now, I believe that if I am ever kissed by a virgin, I will transform into Dee Snider, (I go over this in previous posts). My first plan was to look for volunteers. failure! My new plan is to look for a toad, turn it into a princess, and hope that the toad was a virgin. So find a toad for me.
Also, I had plans A, B, C, and D. I have either pursued them and failed, or I have failed to pursue them entirely. Now, I'm on to plane E, which is wait until January, perhaps later.
Furthermore, I now have a site meter, (located at the bottom of the page). You can see who visits my webpage. (I wish that all NU IP addresses weren't similar). I have this so I can see how many people visit my blog. However, I would really like to find out who visits my page the old fashion way, e-mail. So, please, type in garyl_2000@yahoo.com in your e-mail thingy, and write me a letter. You can tell me who you are, how you found my page, what you like about it, whether or not you know me, etc etc. Or you can just talk a lot, or a little. I love getting e-mail, even from people trying to sell me stuff. So e-mail me, please. You can also contact me through Aol Instant Messenger, where my screen name is garylogn. So IM me, e-mail me, and love me!
Now, on to the events of my Tuesday. I am at home, having just voted for the first time ever. Yea democracy. So, after voting, eating and laundry, I see that my little brother has invaded my bedroom, and has claimed it as his own. His reasoning for this is that he is painting his room green, and needs to sleep somewhere during the painting. So now my room has large amounts of furniture in it.
Anyway, thats about all the real stuff I have to say today, so I shall wish you all a good night, and will go to bed in a little bit. I have to watch more of the election results.
Tuesday, November 05, 2002
Early today I thought of something incredibly important, but I forgot it. I have a very small amount of evidence that Trebla is much more evil than even I thought, although I'm obviously reading far too much into things that shouldn't be read into to that level. I'm going home tomorrow to vote. And what will I vote for you ask? Why, my favorite shows on fox kids!! And I encourage you first of all to exercise your right and vote, and while you're at it vote for power rangers.
I've just had a really funny conversation with my two roommates.
Me: There's probably not a single sheep in the state of Wisconsin.
Seth: A single sheep?
Me: Yeah
Seth: You said a SINGLE sheep?
Me: Yes
Seth: The singular of sheep is lamb.
Me: Umm, nooo. The singular of sheep is sheep.
Seth: No, its lamb.
Me: Lets let Nate settle this.
Us: NATE!!!!
Nate: Yeah?
Me: Alright, you know the animal-don't say it-but you know the animal that we get wool from?
Nate: Yeah.
Me: What is its singular?
Nate: (puzzled look on face) Is this a trick question?
Me: No, me and Seth just had a disagreement, and we want you to settle it. So what is the singular of that animal?
Nate: Dog.
(to give Nate credit, he thought I said wolves, not wool. That makes sense.)
Anyway, since I have nothing further to say, I'll start to wind down tonights entry. Three closing thoughts. First of all, Brett Favre is awesome. Secondly, too many people are way too afraid to open up about their lives. (I'm one of them). Really what do I have to hide? (I know exactly what I have to hide.) But what am I afraid of? (embarrassing other people , I like to think). Finally, I really like getting
email, especially if you're one of Seth's friends who reads this blog. Please, let me know who you are.
Monday, November 04, 2002
Well, today I came face to face with an agent of Trebla. You see, she came in with my roommate Seth and my friend Luke, and we started to talk, about meaningless things. After a while she mentioned that she was from New Hampshire. Now, noting that one of the closest Senate races in the country is in New Hampshire (along with Minnesota, South Dakota and a few others), I decided to encourage her to take part in the democratic process. So, naturally, I asked if she was 18 yet. Upon hearing this, she promptly kicked me in the shin, showing her obvious disregard for democracy, freedom and the American way. Such a person is obviously a servant of Trebla, and seeks to undermine the very principles that our great nation is built upon. She is not only content with removing her say from our government, but is also on a quest to kick all those who exercise their right in the shin, creating an obvious roadblock to democracy. She is obviously a part of a larger scheme of Trebla to rule the universe.
There really isn't much other to report in my life today. Other than the fact that not only did the Bengals win, but they won 38 to 3, which is a great score. Nothing much else is going on in my world today, mostly watching politics. So, I will encourage you all to vote, especially if you live in one of the following states: Florida, Georgia, Arkansas, Texas, Missouri, North Carolina, Maryland, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Tennesse, Hawaii, Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa, or any other State with close elections, or any elections at all. And that's about as political as I want to get on this site.
Finally tonight, reading through past posts and other journal like things, I realize that I come to a lot of realizations in my life, but I really should write them down because I have no idea what they are anymore.
So, goodnight, and have a great tomorrow!
Sunday, November 03, 2002
My weekend isn't bad, but it isn't particullarly good either. Like, its not been "I wonder whats on TV right now" but it hasn't been "WOW!! I can't believe I just did that. Hoo-rah!!"
Anyway, if you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you'll notice two things. First, its a lot longer than it used to be. This is because I set it to 14 posts per page. Secondly, there is a little icon on the bottom of the page, which gives the stats about the page. Click on it if you want to see who's been visiting the web-page. (anything with a 155.33 IP address is from NU.)
Anyway, today I woke up, did random stuff. Played frisbee for a while (its cold outside). Then I went home where I did other stuff. Then Seth came home with somebody. Then a little while later we went to a place and played board games and stuff. Then we came home. Now I'm writing this. So, it wasn't a bad day, but it wasn't good either. Anyway, tomorrow I've got homework and stuff to do, so I'm going to get a good nights sleep tonight. See you all later!
Saturday, November 02, 2002
If you were invited to the Army-Navy game by the Secretary of the Navy and the Chief of Naval Operations, which team would you cheer for? To make a long story short, I'm going home in early December.
Anyway, I think I know my predicament. Basically, I can't go back. I can't turn around and go back to the wonderful wonderful way things were. Forward is the only way to go. If only I knew where to go, my life wouldn't be that bad.
Anyway, I've thought up of a great experiment, which will advance my cause against Trebla. All I need now is a way to give somebody a quick audio-visual presentation immediately after talking to them. I'm guessing right now that it'll have to be somebody who I can lure into my room. That might just work. Hoo-raahh!! Now I must ask, "who can I test this out on? Who will be my human lab rat?" As soon as I think of a worthy subject, I shall try it out, and I shall post my results here. And not even Trebla will be able to stop me!!!
Friday, November 01, 2002
Life is like a boring movie. Long and boring, and only "intellectual" artsy people see a point. Once in a while, something interesting happens, but most of it is just boring boring boring, with huge amounts of symbolism. You have to pretend that all that symbolism means something if you want to keep yourself awake, until one day its over, and you have some half-closure to it, but tons of things are left over. All along, you're thinking about how everything was completely different than it is supposed to be (how the book was). Overall, it sucks, but for some reason you go through it anyway.
In case you're wondering, I'm having a sub-par week, and a sub-par Halloween, and just finished watching a boring movie with friends and such. Hence my remarks. Oh well, maybe as early as THIS SATURDAY my life will take an unexpected turn for the better. Maybe earlier. Anyway, I'm thinking its not gonna turn around till February. Thats how it usually works. Its a good thing that Christmas is located in winter, that makes it much more bareable. Anyway, happy Halloween. I'm sure that you've seen some of the evil fiends of Trebla walking around tonight, asking strangers for candy. (they're the children dressed as clowns.)
Anyway, I'm just feeling tired, but not the good type of tired. Tired of thinking of stupid ways for me to fill my time. I need to get out more. Oh well. February will be here sooner than you think it will, then things will get better. They always will. I'LL MAKE THEM GET BETTER!!! Goodnight, and God bless you all.
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